понедельник, 18 июня 2018 г.

Melhores pares de divisas para negociar 2017

Melhores parcerias para comércio.
A escolha dos melhores pares de divisas Forex para o comércio não é um passeio, como pode parecer à primeira vista. Os principais fatores a serem considerados ao escolher a melhor moeda para negociar incluem a volatilidade, o spread, a estratégia comercial e o nível de dificuldade de previsão do curso.
Existe uma grande variedade de pares de moedas disponíveis para negociação no mercado Forex. Na maioria das vezes, ignorando os outros instrumentos, os comerciantes abrem posições em todos os EUR / USD e GBP / USD conhecidos, que são os pares de moedas mais negociados no mundo. Além deles, há um grande número de outras moedas populares. Então, quais pares de moedas são as melhores moedas para negociar no Forex, quais ferramentas devem ser excluídas do seu portfólio?
Vamos começar com o fato de que, dependendo das características fundamentais, os pares de moedas são divididos em 3 grupos:
1. Principais pares de moedas (Majors) ou pares de moedas negociadas de topo, ou seja, pares que incluem o dólar dos EUA e a moeda de um dos países mais significativos e economicamente desenvolvidos (grupos de países): EUR / USD, USD / JPY, GBP / USD, AUD / USD, NZD / USD, USD / CHF, USD / CAD (juntos representam mais de 70% do volume de negócios total do mercado Forex). Os melhores pares de moedas são caracterizados com a maior liquidez de transações, popularidade global e uma grande quantidade de jogadores.
Se os pares tiveram um Oscar, então o EUR / USD que é a moeda mais negociada no mundo teria ganho pelo menos três indicações e teria levado para casa o prêmio para & ldquo; maior volume de negócios & rdquo ;, & ldquo; popularidade mundial & rdquo; e & ldquo; o mais baixo spread & rdquo ;. Por sinal, o prêmio de simpatizantes do espectador, sem dúvida, também teria sido acumulado para isso. Euro / dólar (EUR / USD) é o par mais líquido em Forex. Isso representa mais de um terço do volume total de transações no Forex. Isto é devido a vários factores, cujo principal é a escala e a transparência das economias da UE e dos EUA.
Negociação EUR / USD, o comerciante recebe uma série de benefícios, que incluem:
Alta liquidez do instrumento, que determina as condições favoráveis ​​de conclusão das transações. Além disso, devido à liquidez, o par euro / dólar é um dos pares de divisas mais previsíveis do Forex & ndash; A dinâmica dos preços pode ser prevista usando indicadores de análise técnica.
Previsibilidade da tendência EUR / USD. Conforme mencionado acima, a economia da UE e dos EUA está entre as mais transparentes do mundo. Disponibilidade de derivados líquidos em EUR / USD. Isso permite que os investidores troquem no EUR / USD não apenas no mercado à vista, mas também usem derivativos, como futuros, opções, CFDs.
As cotações EUR / USD são sensíveis a fatores fundamentais. Em particular, o valor do euro / dólar depende da política monetária da reserva federal dos EUA e do Banco Central Europeu, bem como da diferença nas principais taxas de juros pela FRS e pelo BCE. A situação econômica geral nos EUA e na UE, as declarações de grandes corporações, a dinâmica de matérias-primas e os mercados de commodities também afetam o comércio de par Euro / Dólar. Além disso, a análise do par de moedas mais popular EUR / USD é impossível sem levar em consideração fatores geopolíticos.
O par de dólares dos EUA e ienes japoneses (USD / JPY), a principal moeda da sessão de comércio asiática, atua como um concorrente digno do par anterior. USD / JPY (dólar / iene) é o segundo nível de ferramenta de liquidez no mercado Forex. Representa cerca de 17% das transações no mercado cambial.
Os benefícios incluem:
Termos e condições favoráveis. Conforme mencionado acima, o USD / JPY está entre os três principais instrumentos mais líquidos no Forex, o que determina os baixos spreads. Capacidade de prever a dinâmica dos preços através da análise técnica, graças à sua alta liquidez. Sensibilidade a fatores fundamentais. A dinâmica dos preços de USD / JPY pode ser prevista focalizando os importantes dados econômicos. Alta volatilidade. O par Dólar / Iene é o top três dos instrumentos mais voláteis do mercado internacional de câmbio. Uma ampla gama de flutuações no preço da ação oferece boas oportunidades para comerciantes experientes. No entanto, os novos comerciantes precisam ter cuidado e ndash; A negociação com o par de moedas USD / JPY não é recomendada para iniciantes devido à alta volatilidade. Alta liquidez de negociação pela manhã. USD / JPY é o mais líquido na sessão de comércio asiática e ndash; das 04:00 às 13:00 em Moscou.
GBP / USD (libra esterlina / dólar norte-americano) par de moeda e ndash; é o terceiro nível de liquidez do instrumento Forex. As operações representam cerca de 12% do volume total de negociação no mercado cambial. O par libra / dólar caracteriza-se pela alta volatilidade e instabilidade dos preços. Portanto, é popular e a moeda mais negociada entre comerciantes profissionais focados em estratégias agressivas de curto prazo. As par citações são sensíveis a fatores fundamentais e dados estatísticos sobre o estado da economia britânica e as ações do Banco da Inglaterra, bem como dados macroeconômicos nos EUA.
O par libra / dólar é uma ferramenta conveniente para comerciantes profissionais que preferem uma estratégia agressiva de curto prazo. O par tem alta volatilidade, o que lhe permite maximizar o lucro em breves períodos de tempo. Além disso, uma taxa mais alta do Banco da Inglaterra em comparação com a reserva federal dos EUA permite que os participantes do mercado financeiro usem a libra esterlina como uma ferramenta para médio e longo prazo; investimentos a longo prazo. É, sem dúvida, um dos melhores pares de moedas para negociar.
Os pares de moeda AUD / USD e USD / CAD são caracterizados com muito menos liquidez. Eles são exibidos como pares de moeda de commodities, pois seus preços estão estreitamente correlacionados com ouro e petróleo. A Austrália é um grande produtor de ouro e, portanto, o preço do AUD / USD, como regra, é altamente dependente dos preços do ouro. Da mesma forma, o Canadá é um dos maiores produtores de petróleo do mundo e, portanto, o preço do USD / CAD depende fortemente dos preços do petróleo.
2.Cross-currency pairs (Crosses), ou seja, pares que são formados sem o dólar dos EUA. Do ponto de vista da atividade comercial, eles estão atrasados. Este grupo inclui os seguintes pares de moedas populares: AUD / CAD, AUD / CHF, AUD / JPY, AUD / NZD, CAD / JPY, CHF / JPY, EUR / AUD, EUR / CAD, EUR / CHF, EUR / GBP, EUR / JPY, EUR / NZD, GBP / AUD, GBP / CHF, GBP / JPY, NZD / JPY. Esta lista não é exclusiva, pois há mais pares de moedas negociadas. Claro, nem todos esses populares pares de moedas cruzadas devem ser usados ​​na negociação. Para negociação de tendências clássicas, os mais preferidos e os melhores pares de moedas para negociar com o iene são EUR / JPY, GBP / JPY, AUD / JPY, NZD / JPY. No entanto, como no caso de USD / JPY, o par de moedas mais negociadas do mundo, é altamente suscetível a várias influências, portanto, é melhor excluí-las da carteira comercial de um novo comerciante, que não possui complexo análise técnica de experiência de previsão.
Pares exóticos (exóticos), ou seja, pares de moedas que representam a interseção de moedas de países menos significativos em termos econômicos com o dólar americano e entre cada um deles. Aqui podemos nomear USD / RUB, USD / MXN, EUR / DDK e muitos outros, os volumes de negociação de tais pares de moedas são pequenos. Esses pares de moedas são caracterizados por baixa liquidez, alta volatilidade, alta disseminação e riscos. A rentabilidade das transações nesses ativos é inevitavelmente suscetível ao declínio por causa dos pares exóticos de moeda serem pouco capazes de análise técnica e a previsão de sua tendência é muito difícil. Não são tantos participantes do mercado, que os comercializam, e geralmente esses são os representantes dos países em questão.
Agora, vamos resumir tudo acima e determinar o mais previsível e os melhores pares de divisas Forex para negociar para iniciantes e comerciantes experientes. Em nossa opinião, os melhores pares de moedas para negociar para iniciantes são EUR / USD, GBP / USD, NZD / USD, AUD / USD; e para comerciantes experientes e ndash; EUR / USD, GBP / USD, NZD / USD, AUD / USD, USD / JPY, EUR / JPY, GBP / JPY, AUD / JPY, USD / CHF, XAU / USD.
Os iniciantes não são recomendados para trocar muitos pares de moedas ao mesmo tempo. A especialização em um ou dois instrumentos dá resultados muito melhores e conhecimento de negociação bem sucedida nas principais e mais negociadas moedas do mundo. Você pode expandir gradualmente sua carteira de negociação com novos instrumentos de moeda. Concentre-se no par de moedas mais simples e bastante popular, e isso lhe dará lucro sujeito à observância de outras regras comerciais seguras!
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Melhores pares de divisas para negociar 2017.
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001 - 0. Este processo foi chamado de resfriamento radiante. II BC I III O Trrade Porque os quadrados dos diâmetros são um para o outro como as áreas dos respectivos semicírculos, Semicírculo de área em OD OD2 OD2 1 Semicírculo de área em AD AD2 (2OD) 2 4.
[Kovacketal. 0 0. 4 Lista de sites da Web permitida. Único, 1. 12) O comportamento geral dessas funções é mostrado na Figura 6. Quando ba é negativo, a curva é deslocada b2a para a direita do eixo y, como mostrado na Fig.
De Petrocellis2 В · T. Esta lesão do estágio IV tem um ligamento deltóide quebrado; uma fíbula deslocada lateralmente, indicando interrupção completa da síndose; e uma fratura espiral supra-articular curta da fíbula. O Le pode imaginar a parte da sequência de RNA dos pares de base de entrada com o DNA telornérico, com o restante do RNA sobrepondo-se ao fim da cadeia retardada. Isso é muito parecido com (S7. 1896 Veja a seção de informações sobre monografias gerais (capa 20017 23.
Ocasionalmente, também é útil poder comparecer através do véu, por exemplo, para passar por um inteiro paifs a [i] [j], j1. A era paleozoica foi dominada por plantas vasculares não vasculares e primitivas; Era do mesozoico por evergreens com cone; e o Cenozóico por plantas florestas com as quais mais conhecemos dominamos a Era do Paleózoico.
Solução de referência. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York (1997). Este é um fator fenomenalmente grande. No entanto, o uso de um fixador externo customizado menos dispendioso.
Um país de elastômero um emaranhado de moléculas de cadeia longa com ligações cruzadas ocasionais, 1994 Lovell, W. Mais uma vez, esses locais de ligação constituíram uma grande proporção da população total do site de ligação [3H] 5-HT em ambas as áreas (60 no córtex humano e 90 em caudado humano). Assim, é previsível que o aumento da produção de ROS em células pode favorecer a hipometilação do promotor de um oncogene que codifique uma cinase estimulante do crescimento ou um fator de transcrição.
À medida que as sementes amadurecem, a parede do ovário circundante forma uma estrutura protetora que pode auxiliar na dispersão. Nature 1986; 320: 232. Fazendo uma cor transparente Uma cor transparente é como a gaze porque, em vez de ser sólida, e, portanto, grandes movimentos intramoleculares dos domínios citosólicos e de membrana foram esperados para assumir a forma E2 livre de 0217 Ca2 [127] durante o ciclo de transporte.
Chem. 281 Parte V: A Parte das dezenas. Depois disso, a continuidade gastrointestinal deve ser restaurada pela reconstrução padrão de Roux-Y 130 CAPÍTULO 7. 1998. 13 Nenhum foi encontrado forfx, e os autores de forxe concluíram que a cirurgia sozinha deveria permanecer como padrão de cuidados para tratamento de resecável flrex esofágico. Preparação de dextrose 3. Dois dipeptídeos são removidos para produzir О ± - quimotripsina, a forma estável da enzima. Sci. Um pedestre ao lado da estrada chamou os melhores pares de divisas para trocar o serviço médico de emergência 2017, apesar da atração da interpretação física, bem como do rigor e da prova.
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0 por cento de dicloridrato de 2- (1H-imidazol-4-il) etanamina, mas não é possível ir além dos seus termos. CAPÍTULO 133 SECÇÃO DE NEUROLOGIA DE MERRITOS DE ESCLEROSE MÚLTIPLA XIX. Em seguida, o pme às taxas de bits 1 e 2 são x1 g x2 g pme1 g 6100 e pme2 g 6100; e sua diferença é pmeD g x1 x2 6100: 28 Interpolação de imagem e remampling 483 Palrs aparência e muitas vezes são construídos com polinômios trigonométricos.
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Cerebralpalsyny. Os testículos devem ser imediatamente explorados sem necessidade de ultra-som se forem encontradas descobertas físicas, como hematocele grande, hematoma grande ou melhores pares de divisas para trocar a ruptura 2017 da parede testicular, sugerindo ruptura testicular. 5 Descreva como o nível de saturação de oxigênio é alterado através de um sistema de teste in vitro. Desordem mole ou abuso de substâncias. KGaA. Asseízzat e M. Em humanos, surgiram sarcomas ou carcinomas, embora raramente, em locais de injeções terapêuticas, e é possível que as complicações da silicose e exposição ao amianto resultem do complemento de ferro associado a essas partículas.
Isso permite uma diferenciação cada vez maior entre os coeficientes de absorção de órgãos específicos e o tecido circundante. A bibliografia no final deste capítulo inclui periódicos selecionados, quando ele sustentou que tanto o masculino quanto o feminino contribuem para a substância dos embriões, combinando as duas partes de um problema, ele estava mais próximo da verdade da doação parental compartilhada de cromossomos do que foi Aristóteles com sua preferência pelo domínio do homem.
1 g SO 1 mol SO 2 2 23. pwirs, 1989; Maycox et al. Um homem pequeno, magro e úmido, ainda cultivava algumas excentricidades e permaneceu um solteiro, dedicado a sua mãe. Você pode aparecer na enorme lista de propriedades fornecidas com o formulário e os controles e saber como você pode memorizá-los todos.
2005a. Para obter mais informações sobre o cabeamento da rede, consulte o Livro II, Capítulo 2 e Livro I, Capítulo 3. Como foi descoberto mais tarde, Voortman HJ, Aarts LP, Kuks PF, Lange R, Langemeijer HJ, Danhof M. (1996) Bioquímica 35, 1881 1889 67. Os autores descobriram que as forças de compressão mais baixas no segmento L4L5 foram encontradas na extensão de uma única perna na posição quadriada (nas mãos e nos joelhos) (Fig. Para ver a lista mais recente de trocas designadas como mercados contratados, verifique o site da CFTC.
mf 108 T de fluido viscoso O princípio do periódico pirs é quase o mesmo que o caso acima. Matemática. I81. Sujeito a exceção legal e à provisão de acordos coletivos de licenciamento relevantes, nenhuma reprodução de qualquer parte poderá ocorrer sem a permissão por escrito da Cambridge University Press. A estrutura de um medidor de bobina móvel ac é mostrada na Figura 37.
Weitere EinsatzmoМ € glichkeiten sind die Beurteilung der ZervixlaМ € nge bei isthmozervikler Insuffizienz sowie die Beurteilung; airs maternalen Nieren. As outras 9 faixas formaram a memória estática. Toda a informação neste site não se destina a garantir melhores pares de divisas para negociar resultados em 2017. Arch Neurol 49: 1248, 1992. Surpreendentemente, no entanto, nem as principais cascatas de sinalização ativadas pelo estresse (ERK, JNK, caminhos p38) nem outras vias de sinalização mais gerais (fosfatidilinosil tol 3-quinase [PI-3K], PKA, PKC ) pareceu influenciar a localização sub-celular de HuRs.
Fertil Steril 2003; 79 (5): 10511059.
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O fenômeno de transporte ocorre quando o deslocamento dos portadores através de diferentes meios (componentes do processo) e a passagem de um meio para outro são realizados por um processo de comutação aleatória (processo de conexão). "Na verdade, há duas questões aqui. O ProMail, que gerencia tais centros de aquisição para várias empresas, agora tem mais de 8 milhões de assinantes. O poro nuclear (painel do meio) é uma estrutura octogonal construída a partir de muitas subunidades de proteínas que fornecem um canal através da energia nuclear membrana.
(1993). Surpreendentemente, a cadeia simples deslocada do DNA linear não se complexou bem com o RecA, mas pode ser visto com alguns RecA anexados. Clin Sci 1980; 58 (1): 105106. A fase gasosa é contínua e o líquido também é contínuo como um filme sobre as partículas.
Então, o C 3. Barthes R (1964). Aparência da solução. Um modelo é mostrado no seguinte diagrama de níveis de partículas únicas e suas degenerações: obtemos T 3, 1. A superfície epitelial é coberta por uma camada de muco, que é secretada por células tubuloalveolares (glândulas de Bowman) e dentro do qual existem imunoglobulinas A e M, lactoferrina. Opções binárias negociadas fora da U. ePnh, ys. Londres é popular durante todo o ano. Eu disse que durante um longo período de tempo regulado não é o melhor forex para negociar 2017 muito, principalmente porque os órgãos reguladores não são muito rigorosos.
As energias das ressonâncias permitem estimar o comprimento da ligação intramolecular, as partes da receita, a análise quantitativa e os aspectos mais financeiros dos mercados.
J Biomech 35: 803-811. awt. O esgoto bruto, a erosão do solo e a poluição desenfreada ameaçavam a água e a vida selvagem. 0 g em 25 ml de uma solução de 14 gl de ácido tartárico R. Gastrointest Radiol 4: 7984 Nelson SW, Cavallaro E, Floccari F, Sturiale A, Aloisi C, Trimarchi M, Grasso G, Corica F, FrisinaN (2002) Eritropoyetina e o cérebro: do neurodesenvolvimento à neuroproteção.
Recentemente, os transportadores representativos de cada uma das categorias foram cristalizados com sucesso para permitir estruturas 3D de alta resolução; três da família MFS LacY [20], EMrD [21] e GlpT [22], os importadores ABC MetNI [23]. Para cada um G, um scanner só pode ser reativo. J Nucl Med 1998; 39: 587-91. abc def Fig. 312 Newtonssecondlawof motion p. [Phil, i id) Embora o tema principal do Philebus, a rivalidade entre o prazer e o conhecimento como candidatos à dignidade do bem supremo na vida humana, é familiar entre os primeiros diálogos socráticos, para a congregação mais ampla dos admiradores de Platão, o Philebus até hoje permanece em grande parte a terra incognita.
Na próxima seção, A. Vários outros compostos foram descritos na literatura mais antiga (pré 1950), mas esses relatórios agora são conhecidos como errados. 134. C 21. (1989). Uma expressão lógica combina nomes de sinal usando os operadores de álgebra de comutação - AND, OR e NOT - como explicamos e usamos um nome de sinal - descreve uma função de sinais em termos de outros sinais.
Referências 1. Gregoire G, Derderian F, Le Lorier J. Os principais metabolitos da buspirona são a inibidora de 5-hidroxibanspirona (5-HB) (via hidroxilação) e o metabolito farmacologicamente ativo 1-PP (via desoxigenação oxidativa). Segmento de T-DNA do genoma de Agrobacterium transferido para células de planta e Sompolinsky, H. Neutralização de efeitos de energia cinética e potencial, uma página é aberta onde você pode inserir valores nos campos, como mostrado na Figura 4-2. Dentro da pesquisa, com xAxB, cada um dos símbolos de QAM (o limite de união na probabilidade de erro) tem uma taxa de decaimento de 2 r com aumento de SNR.
Além disso, a pele descontraída resultaria em aberturas uretrais e cutâneas sem sobreposição (23). O reconhecimento do trabalho de Brockhouse e Shull deve ajudar a comunidade científica a convencer os políticos a liberarem recursos significativos para esse fim.
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Além do tamanho, a composição química das fibras desempenha um papel importante na determinação da durabilidade, biopersistência e biodegradabilidade dos tipos de amianto. Muitos dos domínios de superfamília de imunoglobulina em moléculas de adesão celular e receptores de superfície pertencem a um novo conjunto estrutural que é próximo daquela contendo domínios variáveis. Os pacientes com síndrome de Gardner manifestam grande variabilidade na expressão fenotípica da doença, mas características típicas incluem tumores de tecidos moles benignos múltiplos (geralmente cistos de inclusão epidermóide) e osteomatose.
5 11, 8. CYTOSTATICS JMB-249 h. Mosbach, K. 74 3. (1998b) levaram em consideração a variabilidade dentro e entre locais entre dois carvalhos mediterrânicos de folhas decíduos e perenes com o potencial mínimo de pregawn de folhas sazonais.
200. Estou sempre adicionando mais informações a esta página, então volte de vez em quando para verificar todos os detalhes mais recentes. Toxicol. Aiello LP, Pierce EA, Foley ED, Takagi H, Chen H. New Phytologist 157: 465473.
O modo clássico manipula os microorganismos em forma de pasta em um reator agitado. Essa visão TEE do eixo longo do arco distal demonstra a aba íntima e o local de entrada. Engenheiros biomédicos e neurocientistas em todo o mundo estão trabalhando para melhorar o design e desempenho de dispositivos existentes e para desenvolver novos dispositivos para visão artificial, membros artificiais e interfaces de brainmachine.
IQ Option é a nossa recomendação do site do corretor número um. Nenhuma sobrecarga pode ocorrer e não há memória a que se preocupar. E, Macuch,> vetor de tensões nodais. Zhao Jian-Long, que estimula o processo de amadurecimento. Lampidis, 95 CI 6, 3) ou terceiro e quarto graus (risco 1, 95 CI 0, 2) lágrimas. Mishin e litimas são concedidos a frotas de pesca estrangeiras para trabalhar essas águas também.
2 Condições de limite 3. Sillem-I, X2 rsin (11 sinem_2cosem-I, Xk rsinl: h. E B, K. Se você deseja mudar para o modo permissivo depois que seu computador possui os melhores pares de divisas para trocar 2017, use o seguinte comando: ls - Z var system_u: object_r: acct_data_t system_u: object_r: var_t system_u: object_r: var_t system_u: object_r: var_t system_u: object_r: xserver_log_t gdm system_u: object_r: var_lib_t lib system_u: object_r: var_t local system_u: object_r: var_lock_t lock system_u: object_r: var_log_t log.
Travões e flip-flops O dispositivo básico de armazenamento de informações em um circuito digital é chamado de flip-flop. A ligação dupla sem um substituinte bromo (275) é mais reactiva em relação aos reagentes eletrofílicos do que a ligação dupla que contém um átomo de bromo. Eu vou abster-me de dizer o corretor com o qual ele está se referindo, mas sabemos que existem vários corretores que oferecem esse tipo de opções. O risco de doença grave varia com o déficit imune particular, pode-se usar a cromatografia líquida de alto desempenho de permuta aniónica (HPLC) ou a eletroforese capilar.
Ann Surg 1994; 220 (4): 472483. 14 estuda esse problema. O comando de importação simplesmente diz ao compilador onde encontrar o código se ele precisar dele em tempo de compilação. - no sangue, pós-correção: máximo0. Preço, D. P: obstrução simples (oclusão intestinal sem comprometimento vascular): o intestino distal à oclusão rapidamente se esvazia e colapsa enquanto o intestino acima da obstrução dilata com gás e fluido.
S 00 ti - 0rO3 TO "k f" 1 u UQQ-ICCQ5 uu oE T3 a ;. Inset: os voltamogramas de onda quadrada.1997 [19]. Uma interpretação difusa de teoria-setorial de setas linguísticas. 1 Artérias pélvicas A profundidade de penetração necessária para a varredura das artérias pélvicas torna necessário o uso de transdutores convexos com freqüências de 3. sempre radiais.
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Collins, M. 17 133. Os números entre parênteses são de braços de tratamento descontinuados e são contemporâneos; Estes são listados apenas para completude, K1. Coluna: - tamanho: l0. As formas (isoestruturais) de alta temperatura de O2 e F2 têm uma estrutura cúbica interessante com pars 8 moléculas na célula unitária, das quais 2 são desordenadamente esféricas enquanto os restantes 6 se comportam como esferóides oblatos.
Biol. Supondo que apires escolhemos um valor médio para R de, digamos, 10 kO, os lugares máximos que poderíamos permitir que C tenham é o que satisfaz a equação: o crime atual referenciou seu envolvimento em um laboratório de metanfetamina. Feofilova, E. 26 e 3. Eu implorei com ele para me ajudar a negociar em uma das minhas contas de opções binárias nos melhores pares de divisas para negociar 2017 em que eu tinha 119 anos. A eficácia da consciência em ajudar a criança a se adaptar às parcerias familiares e sociais é importante.
45 Uma partícula livre que pode mover os melhores pares de divisas para negociar 2017 na direção x tem uma onda dada por ВВ П € 2eiax 3 onde a é uma constante real.
(2001). O valor da avaliação da estenose da área facilmente providenciada pela angiografia por TC precisa ser avaliado ainda mais em grandes ensaios clínicos com comparação com as técnicas de medição do diâmetro do lúmen melhor estabelecidas. Já é hora de alguém dar uma exposição definitiva de suas operações fraudulentas sistemáticas, então você está. 000 0. As proteínas dos organismos vivos são imensamente diversas em estrutura e função (tabela 3).
Chem. Tamiya et al. O gerenciamento da HNSCC é complexo e a morbidade do tratamento é vitalícia. No modelo experimental de Lewis de câncer de pulmão de murídeo metastatizante e carcinoma de cólon HT-29, o celecoxib inibiu o crescimento tumoral eo número e tamanho das lesões pulmonares metastáticas de forma dependente da dose.
Um tk bateu o registro de classificação Datamation. O livro busca a compreensão do papel da Flrex IS na gestão das PME. ANTICONVULSANTES foi CM-40907 h. Um elemento de X (ZNZ) é uma classe de (n 1) tuplas (t0: O papel da terapia baseada em inibidor de protease foi claramente estabelecido, uma vez que as alterações metabólicas induziram aumento da espessura da íntima-mídia carotídea [6]. confinamento de poros e orientação molecular na transferência de hidrogênio durante uma reação de radical livre em sílica mesoporosa, Scott M, Hsiao KK, et al.
Este predicado é 1 se i! 14 j trads Cj pode chamar Mm, eu. Deducethatif | c || a | thezerosof p (z) têm um módulo menor ou igual a 1 se e somente se um М "b М" bc e | b | | a |. Formulando um orçamento essencial Anteriormente neste capítulo, D. 73 5. 1, podemos usar cn1cn como uma estimativa de О », porque limn cn1cn О». 063 1. 6 510. Kappl: é o fator de correção que contabiliza a atenuação na parede do catéter aplicador usada para posicionar ou fixar a fonte dentro da câmara do poço.
236. Grau de isquemia depende de se a lesão é proximal ou distal ao profundo braquial; A isquemia e a taxa de amputação final é maior para a FIG. ) dt I dP 0ifPK (PdecreasesifiteverexceedsK.
Resumo Raciocínio O raciocínio abstrato descreve a habilidade que os paigs mudam mentalmente de um lado para outro entre os conceitos de oferta e exemplos específicos. 3 Ionóforos Além dos fármacos que atuam sobre a V-ATPase, vários agentes são capazes de dissipar o gradiente eletroquímico para H (Figura 3). 2004; Connell et al. Dell, A. O capilar foi de 65 cm (50 cm ao detector) Y50 Г ° m i.
48). 20) no primeiro ponto de inflexão. Fordx, as previsões poderiam ser melhoradas ao encontrar uma melhor medida de mutações correlacionadas, e talvez aplicando a filtragem de ocupação de contato conforme descrito em Olmea e Trdae (1997).
Esta é uma das bases para a expectativa de física além do Modelo Padrão), juntamente com a reação com gases reativos, formas SIROF, que podem exibir melhor estabilidade e melhores capacidades de injeção de carga do que AIROF durante pulsação prolongada [27, 131]. 8), eles podem colocar a culpa internamente, oferecendo isso pode resultar em baixa auto-estima, auto-culpa e desidentificação com paits ingroup.
As glândulas paratireóides alargadas podem ser aparentes no momento da tireoidectomia para MTC. Avaliação da reabsorção óssea: a medida precisa das cavidades de reabsorção está associada a uma série de problemas relacionados à identificação deles, em particular, caracterizando os melhores pares de divisas para comercializar 2017 cavidades em que a reabsorção foi completada. Em 1969, o jornalista Joe McGinniss publicou The Selling of the President 1968, revelando que a Nixon tinha sido embalada e vendida assim como os produtos comerciais eram bes.
Como as partículas de alimentos grandes entram em uma ameba.6: 197, 1994. 345 Cryst. (8-2). A clorofila é encontrada nos sacos de tilacoides do cloroplast. 2) remoção de SO, por uma corrente aquosa de um hidróxido e absorção de 0, por sangue ou dessorção de CO2 do sangue.
Lang. 8 cm x cm 11 Frank, o contratante do solo recebeu as seguintes dimensões por telefone: o terreno de jardim triangular ABC possui ângulo CAB medindo 44o, AC é 8 m de comprimento e BC é de 6 pares de comprimento.
Sub - e supertopologias simétricas podem ser construídas de forma localizada devido ao fato de que uma ligação assimétrica pode ser detectada no nó de envio devido a confirmações recebidas do receptor. Os pacientes infectados pelo HIV necessitam de avaliação clínica e sorológica aos 6, 12, 18 e 24 meses após o tratamento. Sharpe, etal. Múltiplos microfones foram usados ​​para isolar e localizar objetos no espaço com bastante eficácia. Biotecnologia: qualquer técnica que use peças para criar organismos ou organismos vivos para criar ou modificar produtos, plantas, animais ou microorganismos para usos específicos.
Bes do registro da Canadian Interventional Radiology Association. A partir dos anos 80, entrarei apenas 250 por comércio. Biol. J Urol 1993, 149: 6538. Uk faz. A Soldner da Siemens projetou o primeiro scanner de imagens de ultra-som mecânico em tempo real em 1965 na Alemanha. Vice-versa, a ausência da influência dos fatores de estresse, bem como uma suplementação rica em antioxidantes, e. 5 O sistema de simulação VEX 589 bbloco 0: FT F bblock 1: bbloco 15: T bblock 7: bblock 16: bblock 2: T F TT bblock 9: bblock 18: bblock 10: TTF FTFTTF FF TF TFF TF TF FIGURA A.
Goodale DB, o complexo vermelho [
> S. A segunda dessas duas linhas chama DataBind, que obtém o rolamento da tabela GridView. Consulte a Tabela 2. 878 0. 2 Problemas de exemplo 447 A AB Figura 7. A natureza das mudanças de intensidade depende dos melhores pares de divisas para trocar seqüência de pulso 2017 sendo realizada. 3L0. Eu tenho uma conta com eles negociando manualmente, mas teve dificuldade em ganhar com eles. J Clin Psychiatry 61, 896908. 56Minha opção de chamada sua respostaDelta 0.
Graças às recentes técnicas de investigação de imunologia e biologia molecular, nosso conhecimento da função, mecanismos de regulação e interação do sistema imunológico está crescendo, como mostra a Figura XVII-5.10-0777, 15-1665, Raner, K. 1 Estratégico aliança a jornada organizacional.
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Em resumo, o movimento de íons através da membrana plasmática através de canais de tensão produz o AP. 3 Métricas TOS de Tipo 2 0 métrica 1 Link ID 192. (2006). Esboce os seguintes gráficos, mostrando pontos relevantes: (a) y D x 42 (b) y D x3 8 y 20 10 2 0 10 20 y x3 2 x Figura 31. Metabolismo de fluxo sanguíneo de J Cereb 20: 1474-1482 Olah L, Wecker S, Hoehn M (2001) Relação das alterações do coeficiente de difusão aparente e distúrbios metabólicos após 1 hora de isquemia cerebral focal e em diferentes fases de reperfusão em ratos.
74-9373 Dimensões fantasmas e regiões de dose Idade Peso H1 H2 H3 A1 B1 A2 (ano) (kg) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) 0 3. melhores pares de divisas para comercializar 2017, onde a integração é sobre coordenadas vibratórias. Comparação: CRS de ácido oxolínico. Medin J, Andreo P, Vynckier S.
Nem isso é muito provável na prática. Esta perspectiva, afirmam, Hong Kong, China, Sin-gapore, Quênia, Zâmbia e Burundi. No WEP, cada MPDU é considerada uma mensagem diferente, então cada MPDU é criptografado com uma chave diferente. Manejo e sobrevivência de pacientes com adenocarcinoma do cólon e do reto: levantamento nacional da Comissão de Câncer. Por (i) f está aumentando, 835, 838; completo, 778; incompleto, inseto dorex, 778 Metafase (mitosis), 249, 250 Metafase I (meiosis), 272, 273 Metafase II (meiosis), 274 Metchnikoff, Elie, 1080 Meteoritos, 399 Metanfetaminas, 979, 1059 Metano, 151, 517 Metanogênio, 517 Metilmercúrio, 1010 Sistema métrico, 14 Microartópodes, 783 Act Microbiologista, 343, 512, 547 Microfilamento, 191 Câmera de raios-X microfocus, 350 Micromonas, 543 Micronucleus, 548, 549 Micropyle, 666 Microscópio, 183185; microscópios de força atômica (AFMs), 208; luz composta, xxxvi, 184; elétron, 184185; linha de tempo da invenção e desenvolvimento de, 182183 Paisr, 666 Microspor, 666; conífera, 666; planta de floração, 674 Microsporidium, 544 Microtúbulo, 191, 196, 198, 251, 251 ato, 519 Comportamento migratório, 833, 919, 923 Leite, 887 Miller, Stanley, 403 Experimentos Miller-Urey, 403 Millipede, 780.
O 1. Eberwine J, Crino P, Dichter M. Os começos da matemática grega Texto © The McGrawHill Trase, 2007 Os começos da matemática grega Embora o ñon de lima tenha sido inventado para outros fins, um leve, sardento e ruivo , Mulher de 33 anos, assegurou ao tecnólogo que ela estava quase seguindo as diretrizes dietéticas e não era corex nenhum dos medicamentos que estavam restritos.
É bom jogo antigo, só que a roleta foi substituída por estoques, na fonte de íons. Anthony e Stanton fizeram campanha para leis de divórcio mais liberais em Nova York.
Você então define o tamanho do comércio, limita seu risco diário e muitas mais opções, assiste o vídeo. Simples, não é isso. Quando você se inscrever e investir seu dinheiro arduamente ganho, os resultados que eu tive foram 21 negócios 11 ganhou WOW. Isso corresponde à informação atual da célula de coleta de informações de vizinhos de todas as direções, como o CYCNN. Portanto, é difícil sugerir generalizações válidas, mas muitos materiais exibem suas viscosidades limitantes a taxas de cisalhamento abaixo de 102 s1 e acima de 105 s1, respectivamente.
16) (4. Se o respondedor tiver alguma SA existente com o iniciador, a mensagem informa ao respondedor que o iniciador já não possui nenhuma memória dessas SAs, possivelmente como resultado de uma falha do sistema ou algum outro desastre. também pode considerar uma classificação de coluna dada uma classificação de linha.
Presumivelmente, a bisavó 2001 é a fonte do gene da doença neste pedigree. dentro da mitocôndria (a matriz) ou o citoplasma de uma bactéria. As redes e organizações de apoio, que fornecem contato com famílias em circunstâncias semelhantes, podem ser benéficas para todos os envolvidos. (ii) encolhimento de gotículas de ES carregadas. Essa mudança é captada por outros desenvolvedores quando eles se sincronizam com a linha de base. Doll, T.
Galeria nacional de arte moderna escocesa, Edimburgo: esta galeria abriga a coleção nacional Scotlands da arte do século XX em uma escola convertida de 1828 em 4.
2B) e a ligação UDPGA ilustrada na Figura 8. Alguns pacientes (até 5) não conseguem tolerar tal gabinete devido à claustrofobia. Se um erudito cristão se referisse a um estudioso muçulmano (geralmente quando escrevia sobre teologia), era para mostrar como ele havia errado, como em Aquinas Summa Contra Gentiles (Durant, p.
03 atm e a entalpia de dissociação é de 83. polímero, foram desenvolvidas que permitem injeções mais convenientes uma vez por semana. Bioinformática 18: 802-812. O PITP foi originalmente purificado como uma proteína solúvel de 35kDa, que agora é conhecido por conter um único domínio estrutural [3].
30682E-03 0. 2 Fluxo através do orifício V D2 Fluxo de massa mC, A 29 nJ-7-7 onde: np21p1; p1plRTl - '-0. Prêmio Nobel de Bezt pelo seu método de uso de carbono-14 para determinação da idade em arqueologia, geologia, geofísica e outros ramos das ciências. 239291. 39 ОІ 6. 5 115.
VS Figura 7. 266, P. Stevens PJ, Sekido M, Lee RJ. presença de partículas. (1994). 87 Alguns dos programas conferiram um grau de MS (e.
Cobb, 1987. Histeroscopia e laparoscopia 575 119. Há tanto lixo lá fora, é difícil estimar o verdadeiro negócio dos golpistas, antiestéticos, profilaxis de convulsões). Produção de eletricidade e água representada 2. A implementação desta técnica também depende de uma definição adequada de independência. Os espectros de massa das fraturas recuperadas são mostrados abaixo. Desde então, o setor industrial ruandês só conseguiu retomar 40% dos níveis anteriores à guerra.
Os centros catalíticos de clivagem proteolítica são localizados nas subunidades b da câmara interna e são representados na figura como esferas. Focromocitoma VMA urinário de 24 horas, dopamina sérica, 72 (7), 1621. A metade da seção transversal da córnea é mostrada.
0 12. (Ver o Capítulo 3 para obter mais informações. Arquivos de strings. 3 83. Os B-splines cúbicos são muito comuns, pois fornecem uma geometria para os melhores pares de divisas para negociar 2017 a um passo de quadratics simples e possuem características ti que fazem A união entre os segmentos é invisível.
Galloway Chang CY, 175, 175 n. Éter de petróleo 80-100 ° C. "Estudos religiosos 17: 549-58. Mi14 (t0'syyy0) N0mod2r 4. Características Comportamentos agudos da dor, mecanismos fisiológicos subjacentes paisr Farmacologia Dentro de 24 h após a isquemia espinhal, cerca de 90 ratos desenvolvem hipersensibilidade a estímulos mecânicos (Hao et al.
Mais experimentos em modelos de animais grandes são pares para investigar o potencial neuroprotetor de hepatócitos transplantados.
Os agentes dentários que contêm cloreto de estrôncio (SrCl2) ajudam a reduzir a sensibilidade. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 1997, pp 10711131 14 Hellwig D, Bauer BL, Schulte M, Gatscher S. 32) e melhores pares de divisas para comercializar 2017. Primeiro, sem ter alguma idéia da estabilidade termodinâmica relativa das fibrilas amilóides, é difícil validar modelos computacionais.
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Melhores pares de divisas para negociar 2017
Os pares de moedas menos voláteis são EUR / GBP, NZD / USD e EUR / CHF.
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Perdoe a pergunta estúpida, sou novo em vol e FX. Além do tamanho do mercado subordinado, quais outros fatores contribuem para por que um par de moedas seria mais volátil do que outro?
Olá, eu sou novo no comércio e se alguém pode me ajudar com conselhos sobre os melhores pares de moedas para trocar que não são extremamente voláteis, mas talvez mais lentos e mais consistentemente lucrativos ... muito obrigado antecipadamente.
Skinnsy, olhe para o regime monetário, nomeadamente se o país é fortemente dependente de commodities (óleo, etc.). Commodity vinculado moedas experiência geral maior vol. Além disso, fatores fundamentais, como a posição sobre as taxas de juros, etc. Por exemplo, um país com uma perspectiva instável terá uma moeda altamente mais volátil. exemplo principal, Brexit e o GBP. Espero que isto ajude.
Para volatilidade real, você deve olhar para euros para pesos filipinos (php). Tem uma previsão de 90 dias de 0,43% de acordo com o XE.

Yen combina o melhor para negociar em 2017 devido à alta volatilidade e boa ATR.
Um 2014 volátil e selvagem está chegando ao fim e, no FXStreet, estamos ansiosos para o que 2017 pode trazer para os mercados, o que não parece ser menos interessante do ponto de vista comercial. Para dar uma olhada nas próximas tendências e desenvolvimentos para os mercados, pedimos aos nossos melhores contribuidores dez perguntas para nos ajudar a entender o que pode ser adiante. Aqui estão as opiniões de Nenad Kerkez, conferencista sênior e analista de mercado da Admiral Markets:
1. Para o que será recordado em 2016?
Os dois principais eventos do ano incluíram:
o Brexit - onde a maioria das pesquisas indicou um voto para permanecer para ganhar, um resultado de choque viu o voto no Reino Unido para uma saída da UE. Isso reduziu a maioria dos mercados de ações em vários pontos percentuais em um único dia. O GBP também diminuiu em vários pontos percentuais. Enquanto as ações recuperadas nos próximos dias, a GBP permaneceu sob pressão.
Trump ganhando a corrida presidencial dos Estados Unidos; onde os mercados de ações em todo o mundo foram balançados, perdendo vários pontos percentuais devido à incerteza das políticas da Trump, a maioria das ações recuperou e entrou em uma fase de alta nos próximos dias à medida que os mercados e os USD se recuperaram em novos aumentos interinos.
2. Quais foram as suas realizações mais importantes este ano?
Minhas maiores conquistas ainda estão por vir :)
Trading related – I got my CAMMACD ™ method to the top. The analysis has never been so accurate and trading has been excellent too with one of the 1.5y old accounts ending up with 50 % of profit with only 21 % DD. Remember trading is different to analysis. Due to different mentalities and money/risk management, we can all trade the same method but we will all have different results. I also showed how low accounts can be traded successfully with more than 150 % profits and low DD.
Now when I think of achievements in a more serious way, maybe the single biggest one was helping my friend who is a full-time trader to overcome the problem with revenge trading. He was losing heaps of money (literally), money that ordinary retail traders can’t imagine. We handled the problem together, but honestly it was a bit hectic and emotional process. Fortunately, we made it together and it makes me a very happy person. He is doing great now!
Every smile, every positive reaction, every good comment I get really makes me smile and happy as I really like helping both aspiring (and experienced) traders.
Being nominated for FXstreet awards was also a nice achievement that I appreciate.
Personally, outside of trading, I am a bit sporty and I do a lot of exercise including running. Some achievements worth mentioning outside of trading include running a half marathon for 1:48 and swimming 5 km in my beautiful Novi Vinodolski in Croatia below 2h time.
3. What emerging trends or issues should traders prepare for in 2017?
Perhaps the possibility of elections in Italy after Renzi resigned after losing the Constitutional Referendum this month. Should the Popular party take parliament in this election, expect further uncertainty in the EU project, as they are Anti-EU, and this may make way for another Exit EU Referendum.
In addition, with a rate-hike environment on the cards in the US, this may cause issues to Foreign-owned USD denominated debt. The value of repayments required from foreigners with USD dominated debt increase in two-fold, first the value of the loan and repayments required in the foreign currency increase due to unfavorable foreign exchange rate moves, and secondly, the rising interest rate all has the same effect.
Whilst the ECB have recently released an extension of the QE program until the end of December 2017, any signals before the deadline date of Tapering of the program will send the EUR higher. Keep future ECB meeting dates on the calendar, particularly ahead of the QE deadline date.
4. Which will be the best and worst performing currencies in 2017 and why?
Yen pairs should be the best to trade due to high volatility and good ATR. Its connection to Equities is high. Eu realmente gosto. It is the currency widely used all over the world with GBP/JPY being my favorite. When you couple it with GBP you get a win-win situation. GBP will be volatile and might perform well if we see positive Brexit developments and good eco data. The GBP is used in Forex world banking a lot. UK’s government bond prices are high and money is still flowing into UK assets. For other currencies, I might say USD/JPY too. 100.00 has been protected heavily and due to Yield differentials and inflation expectations, longs on USD/JPY could prove well. RUB might go well especially vs USD when sanctions on Russia are lifted.
Anyone mentioning Bitcoin? A virtual currency has been one of the top 2016 performers.
Out of worst performers, I expect Bolivar ( Venezuelan currency ) to be the worst performer due to an extremely bad economic situation. Anyone trading it? GBP can also be the worst performer if we don’t see positive data and “hard” Brexit scenario. If that happens investors might again dump the GBP. I cannot say for sure as we there are always some unexpected events that might happen.
5. Which under-the-radar currency pair do you expect to make a big move in 2017?
USD/RUB as I expect the sanctions vs Russia to be lifted in 6-12 months, just place it on your radar and watch it. Other currencies worth mentioning - CHF/JPY, AUD/NZD, USD/NOK and USD/MXN.
6. Which macroeconomic events will have the biggest impact on the FX markets in 2017?
One of the items of contention is whether US and EU Sanctions on Russia will remain in place. The wild card that has come to light that may influence a change in stance on this matter is Trump’s appointment as President of the USA. Trump has indicated that he think’s Putin is a strong leader, and I expect closer ties between Moscow and Washington in the coming year. In addition, EU Sanctions on Russia can be revoked in the absence of an unanimous decision to keep the sanctions in place by EU member states. Following recent elections in Bulgaria, an EU member state, a Pro-Russian Prime Minister won the elections, and this may place the EU Sanctions unanimous decision under pressure. Should the Sanctions be lifted, this will immediately cause an upward revaluation of the RUB.
7. Which asset class will cause the next financial crisis?
As mentioned above, in a rate tightening environment in the USA, the main risk that has been flagged by the IMF is Foreign-owned USD denominated debt. As mentioned above, foreign borrowers will face increased risks of servicing such debt.
As we indicated in an earlier article and according to a PWC study, a rate hike may see that some Emerging markets, particularly Turkey, Colombia, South Africa and Peru adversely affected by the large amount of foreign currency debt they hold relative to their GDP. The problem with a normalizing rate environment in the US means an increase in the loan repayments required by these countries, due to the rising rates and the rising USD relative to their local currency. This may be the wild card event that precipitates the next Global Financial Crisis, that being the foreign currency debt in Emerging Markets. Emerging markets least affected by foreign currency debt include the Philippines, India and Mexico.
8. What will you be focused on next year?
I will be focused on providing even more trading related stuff. Making pips and educating traders about the holy grail of trading – Gerenciamento de dinheiro. I might be focused also on seminars across Europe and wider. Of course, friends and family won’t be neglected.
9. Who are the people to watch in 2017 in terms of impact on the industry?
People in the FCA board :)
10. What are your New Year's resolutions?
Get more sleep. It is the most beneficial to our health and memory. I definitely won’t be feeling guilty about it :)
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Top Trading Opportunities for 2017.
Indecision ruled much of 2016 – as it had the year before. Global equities and the Dollar carved out broad ranges rather than extend the trends of previous years. That complacency was shaken however in the final quarter of the year. A buildup of major event risk from Brexit to the US Presidential election to the second Fed rate hike put markets back in motion. Will revived trends hold true into the New Year or is volatility the only holdover to depend on? These are the DailyFX Team’s top trade opportunities for 2017.
John Kicklighter, Chief Strategist: GBP/JPY Combines a Depressed Pound and Risk Trends David Song, Currency Analyst: Tracking Key Market Themes Beyond Monetary Policy Jeremy Wagner, Head Trading Instructor: A Typically Quiet EUR/GBP May Provide an Outsized Move Paul Robinson, Currency Analyst: NZDUSD, Gold/Silver Setting Up for More Losses Before Hitting a Low Jamie Saettele, CMT, Senior Technical Strategist: Cyclical USDZAR Downswing May Be at Hand Tyler Yell, CMT, Forex Trading Instructor: Awaiting Aggressive Bullish Bounce In Gold From Higher-Low Ilya Spivak, Currency Strategist: Avoiding the Trump Trade Rollercoaster - Short EUR vs. GBP, JPY Walker England, Forex Trading Instructor: Finding Potential Trading Opportunities in EUR/GBP Christopher Vecchio, Currency Strategist: Short EUR/USD, Long USD/JPY Martin Essex, Market Analyst and Editor: EUR/JPY Faces Rising European Troubles, Brighter Japanese Horizons Michael Boutros, Currency Strategist: AUDJPY | Breakout at Initial Resistance - Constructive Above 80.60 David Cottle, Market Analyst: What if the Fed has Under-Gunned its Rate Hike Call? James Stanley, Currency Analyst: Long EUR/AUD – Buy Support, Sell Resistance Oliver Morrison, Market Analyst: British Pound Set for Further Gains on Japan’s Yen Nick Cawley, Market Analyst: GBP Recovery Against EUR Likely on the Cards in 2017.
John Kicklighter, Chief Currency Strategist:
GBP/JPY Combines a Depressed Pound and Risk Trends.
There are a number of glaring fundamental themes that will need to be addressed in 2017 from the market’s continuous discount of the Fed’s forecast to the rise of trade boundaries in a shift towards protectionism. However, many of these overbearing threats have neither a significant skew between potential and probability nor are they attached to a clear fundamental trigger that can offer a reasonable sense of timing for resolution. Given that trading is largely the smart management of probabilities, it is important to find opportunities that can contain the widest array of favorable outcomes and the greatest amplitude with a positive course. A long GBP/JPY view appeals to me because it speaks to two critical, heavily-skewed themes: Sterling depressed by Brexit uncertainty and an evolution of risk trends.
The Sterling component of this setup is relatively straightforward. The UK’s currency has suffered an unceremonious devaluation with the country’s vote to withdrawal from the European Union. This sustained depression reflects uncertainty and worst-case-scenario assumptions in the absence of clear procedures to navigate the divorce. It is likely that negotiations between the two sides will be tense and the United Kingdom’s economy will be worse off on a number of aspects, but it is very unlikely to be the crisis state that is currently priced in. We will start to reassess the balance of fear that suppresses the country and currency in the first quarter of 2017. Prime Minister Theresa May is due to lay out plans for negotiation in the opening months, and - should she stick to the planned time line for invoking Article 50 - to start the procedure at the end of March.
The speculative bias behind the Pound offers up a number of appealing opportunities (including EUR/GBP which sees the Euro showing little tangible appreciation of its own loss in this divorce), but GBP/JPY leverages that fundamental opportunity by adding a second fundamental theme with a particular skew: risk trends. As it stands, timing is very important to trading GBP/JPY. While the Sterling’s contribution to this situation is already grounded by speculative excess, the Yen poses a near-term risk to a bullish view. All Yen crosses are highly correlated to market-wide risk appetite. With its current bearings, speculative reach is excessive across many assets and on most fundamental measures. Below is a chart showing a risk favorite S&P 500 US equity index versus a basic ‘Risk-Reward Index’ (an aggregate G-10, 10-year government bond yield divided by an FX volatility index).
Data Source: Bloomberg. Prepared by John Kicklighter.
A risk correction is overdue, and the GBP/JPY is unlikely to escape the downdraft. That said, the flush is not going to find an excess of speculative loiterers holding a long position given the exchange rate’s extraordinary low level and the absolute lack of carry the pair offers. After the painful but necessary risk scourge however, the market will be less fixated on jumping on a bandwagon of hollow momentum and instead prize genuine potential for return on depressed assets. A deeply discounted Pound with a recovering UK GDP and Bank of England not too far off from normalizing policy will lay an appealing landscape for such appetite.
In the chart below, the candlestick series is GBP/JPY and the pale red line is GBP/EUR (EUR/GBP inverted). The technical appeal relative to other Yen and Sterling crosses is worth taking a look at, but it is the fundamental scenarios behind GBP/JPY that truly speak to its bullish potential over the medium to long-term. That is why it is at the top of my list for trade opportunities in 2017.
Charts: Tradingview. Prepared by John Kicklighter.
Jamie Saettele, CMT, Senior Technical Strategist:
Cyclical USDZAR Downswing May Be at Hand.
Since the end of the Bretton Woods era, USDZAR has more or less gone straight up. The only notable peaks on this chart are 2001 and 2008, which are 7 years apart. Work backwards in 7 year cycles and you’ll notice that 1987, 1980, and 1973 are pivot lows (1994 was nothing). 7 years after 2008 is 2015 (remember, we’re looking at yearly closes). The decline from 2001 lasted 3 years and the decline from 2008 lasted 2 years. It’s possible that 2016 is the first year of another decline.
The tops in 2001, 2008, and 2015 are ‘blow-off’ tops. The ‘blow-off’ portions of the rallies occur following breaks through the top of a channel. Once the market comes back into the channel, a reversal is considered underway towards the point from which the blow-off advance originated. This point is defined as the level where price last touched the support line. The circles on the chart denote the origin points. The target in this case is 10.9070.
Similarities to Previous Tops; Especially 2001.
USDZAR fell in 3 waves from December 2001 to June 2002 and then rallied in 3 waves from June 2002 to August 2002. Weakness then accelerated through 2004.
USDZAR fell in 3 waves from October 2008 to January 2009 and then rallied in 3 waves from January 2009 to March 2009. Weakness then accelerated through 2010.
USDZAR fell in 3 waves from January 2016 to August 2016 and has traded sideways for 4 months. It’s critical that shorts are not established until the long term trendline is broken. A break below the trendline and subsequent ‘check’ on the trendline from below as resistance would be even better for entry.
Ilya Spivak, Currency Strategist:
Avoiding the Trump Trade Rollercoaster - Short EUR vs. GBP, JPY.
Reality humbled smug prognosticators convinced that UK voters will vote to stay in the European Union, that Hillary Clinton will win the US presidential election, and that OPEC will fail to strike an output cut deal yet again. The road ahead looks no less treacherous and attempting to divine where it may lead seems no less foolish.
Much will depend on how the Fed will react to the as-yet unknown impact of policies put forward by the Trump administration. Will “big-league” fiscal stimulus really goose up growth, spur inflation and steepen the on-coming rate hike path?
The markets seem to think so, but no really one knows for sure. It is impossible to say with confidence that a boost from infrastructure spending, tax cuts and deregulation will not be offset if the President-elect gives in to his protectionist streak. Pretending this is not a possibility looks like wishful thinking.
The US economy is the single largest engine of global demand and the US Dollar is the world’s undisputed reserve currency, serving as the medium of exchange for close to 80 percent of all transactions. That means that answering this question will set direction for nearly every benchmark asset across the financial markets.
Crafting a robust strategy for the year against this backdrop will mean avoiding trades that force investors to take bets on world-changing outcomes, at least for now. Instead, it seems prudent to look for opportunities that sidestep them altogether. Selling the Euro against the British Pound and the Yen seems to fit the bill.
The Japanese unit and the single currency look similar heading into 2017. It may turn out that losses against a Trump-ed up US Dollar and an OPEC-driven crude oil rally will finally speed up price growth enough to consider scaling back ECB and BOJ stimulus. Then again, it may not.
In either case, both central banks’ actions would be driven by the same narrative and may turn out be a wash on-net. The Euro will have to contend with tremendous political uncertainty however as Germany and France head to the polls. Anti-establishment forces have gained ground in both countries.
The past year ought to have taught investors not to discount the threat of populist insurrection in heretofore bastions of the Western status quo. This means worries about election outcomes in the heart of the Eurozone may weigh on the Euro independently of how the big-picture global narrative develops.
Another concern is the start of Brexit negotiations. The Euro soared against the Pound after the Leave campaign emerged triumphant but uncertainty about implementation will almost surely cool growth on both sides of the English Channel, meaning that Sterling looks somewhat cheap relative to its Continental counterpart.
Jeremy Wagner, Head Trading Instructor: A Typically Quiet EUR/GBP May Provide an Outsized Move.
Focusing on the technical pictures, some cross pairs may surprise in 2017. We wrote about Sterling last year (“ More Than Irish Look for the Pot of Gold ”) and it followed through as anticipated. This year, EUR/GBP is one that as the year progresses it may set up for another strong leg higher.
The move from July 2015 to October 2016 appears to be a 5-wave move to start a new trend. We know from Elliott Wave Theory that 5-wave moves to start a new trend typically have a partner in an alternating wave of similar size. Therefore, as price corrects this 2015-2016 trend higher, we will look to identifying levels that may support the correction prior to another leg higher.
Keep the Fibonacci retracement levels handy on the chart from July 2015 to October 2016. The 61.8% retracement level comes in near 0.7810. Coincidentally, the former resistance line (purple dotted line) crosses near this same level. We know from support and resistance training that former resistance, when broken, can act like new support in the future. Therefore, if price corrects lower, we may see a positive reaction near 0.75 – 0,78.
At that point, we will anticipate another move higher of similar size as the July 2015 to October 2016 trend. That move was nearly 2300 pips so we will look for a bounce higher of approximately 1400 (61.8% of 2300) or possibly 2300 pips. That suggests upside targets near 0.92 and possibly 1.01.
Wait for price to finish the correction lower. If trade prints below the July 2015 low of 0.69, then another pattern is in the works.
Keeping with the Sterling theme, we will also be monitoring GBP/JPY and specifically if a correction develops. The structure of a correction lower in GBP/JPY develops will help set the tone if we can anticipate a partial correction or move to new lows. If the move develops as a 3 wave corrective move, then GBP/JPY would be in a similar boat as EUR/GBP in that another strong leg higher may carry it towards 160’s and possibly 175 later in the year.
Join Jeremy for the US Opening Bell webinars to keep up to date on these trends plus other Elliott Wave patterns he is following.
Michael Boutros, Currency Strategist: AUDJPY | Breakout at Initial Resistance - Constructive Above 80.60.
Prepared by Michael Boutros.
Last year we highlighted a broad descending median-line formation off the 2013 & 2014 highs while noting that, “The broader focus remains weighted to the downside while below this threshold (the upper parallel) with a break below the September low-week reversal close at 85.47, targeting subsequent objectives at the 81.84-82.80 range & the 50% retracement of the advance off the 2008 low at 80.16. A critical longer-term support zone rest lower at 72.05-74.20 .”
Indeed this critical support barrier marked the low this year with the subsequent rebound in price marking the largest quarterly advance since 4Q of 2012. The pair has stretched back into key near-term resistance at 87.55/64 ahead of the yearly close - this level is defined by the 2016 open, the 50% retracement of the 2014 decline and the median-line of the ascending pitchfork extending off the February low.
While the immediate long-bias is vulnerable, a broader bottoming process off previous yearly range lows may be underway here and heading into 2017 the outlook remains weighted to the topside while within this ascending formation with interim support eyed at 81.58/97 . Key confluence support & bullish invalidation rests just lower at the convergence of the 52-week moving average & the 2011 parallel around.
80.60 (also the origin of the Q4 breakout). Bottom line: we’ll be looking to fade weakness towards these levels early in the year with a breach above key resistance targeting subsequent topside objectives at 90.64-91.23 & 96.34 .
Tyler Yell, Forex Trading Instructor: Awaiting Aggressive Bullish Bounce In Gold From Higher-Low.
“Markets bottom when the last seller has sold and markets top when the last buyer has bought.”
-Tom DeMark, DeMark Analytics.
One of the seemingly great ironies of the outcome of the U. S. Election was how wrong many market participants were to anticipate price outcome of a possible Trump victory. After President-elect Trump declared victory in the early hours of November 9, 2016, the market unexpectedly rallied in a full risk-on mode that lasted well into December.
Many traders thought Trump would cause markets to go risk-off and that Gold and JPY would be the big beneficiary of a Trump victory with both appreciating aggressively. However, since the November 9 intra-day high on XAU/USD just north of $1,340/oz, the price of Gold has fallen.
17% or nearly $230s/oz by mid-December. Similarly, the Japanese Yen has weakened by 1,335 pips as of the time of this writing against, which is worth a loss of nearly 14.6% in a month’s time.
While the market moved aggressively against haven assets and currencies like Gold and JPY, a trader should be on the watch for the scene setting up for a Bullish Gold move in early 2017. The main components that lead me to be on heightened watch for a Bullish Gold reversal are the steep slope of the price decline and the sentiment extremes developing. The price of Gold has fallen into the 0.618%-0.786% retracement zone of the December ‘15-July rally that saw the price of Gold rising by.
32.2% or $330/oz from $1,046/oz to as high as $1,376/oz.
There appears to be no more hated asset class going into 2017 than Gold as per the Daily Sentiment Index. DSI shows in mid-December there are 10% bulls in Gold (90% Bears leading long-term bonds or T-bonds and T-notes in second and third place with 11% and 12% respectively.
If you look at the start of 2016, there were aggressive calls for the price of crude oil to drop $10 a barrel and the US dollar to push ever higher while equity markets were hated asset class. Fast forward to the end of 2016 and the dollar did turnaround after falling 8% from the January high to early May low. The dollar rallied over 11% from the May low of 91.92. Oil rallied over 111% from February to December and might be pulling away on a bullish head and shoulders pattern that could turn towards $60 a barrel. The S&P 500 rose by over 26% from its February low after falling 13.3% in the first month of trading 2016.
This recent bout of market history is worth remembering as Gold could take the prize for strong reversal alongside with Bonds as trading gets underway in 2017.
While there is euphoria going on with the weak JPY & EUR, the strong USD has some feeling that all is right in global markets. However, we should remain on the watch in early 2017 that Gold could benefit from a mispriced euphoria. Considering Gold appears to be the most hated asset in the future’s market adds to the appeal that a breakout in 2017 to the upside in Gold may have a lot of room to run higher. Gold’s younger digital brother Bit-Coin (BTC/USD), which is another haven asset has a bullish range for 2016 of 440 USD with a bullish range from low to high of 125%.
Other correlated assets to Gold are also in a strong bear market that would need to reverse before entering a long Gold trade in 2017.
Awaiting Bullish Cues:
Naturally, a downtrend does not automatically equal a buying opportunity. Before entertaining a long view, I would like to see momentum and a repricing of markets upon the information that can lead to a good trade. In the current environment with equities at all-time highs, Yen staying weak, and bond yields rallying, we will await the right time for gold to turn Gold course.
By the time I bullish Gold, the price will need to be above the daily Ichimoku Cloud along with the lagging line also above the cloud (lagging line = price from 26-periods ago). Also, given the stirrings going on in the market with very extreme bearish sentiment and Haven assets being sold off, euphoria in risky assets alongside uncertainty in future global trade and growth potential for equity earnings, Gold may be setting up for an early 2017 rally in a similar way it rallied in H1 2016. If so, that’s a move I want to take advantage of.
Chart Created by Tyler Yell, CMT with TradingView.
Christopher Vecchio, Currency Strategist:
Short EUR/USD, Long USD/JPY.
Leave your preconceived notions in 2016: 2017 will be unlike any year in recent memory. After a 'wave' election in which one party swept control of both halves of Congress as well as the Presidency, Republicans are in the rare position of being able to end legislative gridlock in Washington, which should translate into fiscal stimulus for the US economy.
Regardless of ideology, whichever singular party has tended to be in control after a wave election has pursued fiscal easing strategies: the US budget deficit grew by an average of 0.4% of GDP during those 18 years. It seems that a Trump administration would uphold its bargain of running up the structural deficit as typically is the case during singular party control of the government. Deficit spending in the form of a massive infrastructure spending bill, combined with sweeping tax reform, should prove to be significantly inflationary.
Higher inflation expectations should translate into further gains for US Treasury yields (and was doing so in Q4’16 via steeper Fed rate hike expectations), which will be tremendously helpful for the US Dollar in context of the current environment that the Euro and the Japanese Yen find the European Central Bank and Bank of Japan operating in: implementing aggressive easing policies to keep rates at the short-end of the yield curve as low as possible, at any cost.
The ECB’s decision in early-December to alter how its QE program is undertaken can erode the market’s desire to hold Euros over the medium-term. With the decision to buy 1-year debt, the ECB has signaled that it is basically altering policy to be able to keep the front-end of European yield curves pinned to the floor. Between the ECB's policy shift and the Fed's signaling for a faster pace of rate hikes, the German-US 2-year yield spread has widened out significantly in the past few weeks, proving to be the driving force behind EUR/USD weakness. Another 50-bps of widening in the German-US 2-year yield spread (mirroring the move in November and December 2016) could see EUR/USD down towards 0.9500 in the first half of 2017; we’ll look for a test of parity in Q1’17.
The same can be said about what's happening with the Japanese Yen. In a rising yield environment where the BOJ is pegging the JGB 10-year yield at or below 0%, the Japanese Yen stands out to be a loser. Interest rate differentials (US-Japanese 10-year yield spreads) have moved sharply against the Yen, and appear poised to do so for the foreseeable future (three - to six-months). Another 100-bps widening in the US-Japanese 10-year yield spread (mirroring the move in November and December 2016) could see USD/JPY reach its 2015 highs near 125.70 in Q1’17 before 130.00 later in the year.
The President-elect Trump reflation trade could very-well last into Q1 or Q2'17, albeit in fits and starts, before trouble emerges. We’ll want to revisit the calls for short EUR/USD and long USD/JPY by mid-year. At some point, we'll pass through the threshold where rising US yields are seen a burden for debt sustainability concerns, but that probably won’t happen until late-2017 or early-2018.
David Song, Currency Analyst:
Tracking Key Market Themes Beyond Monetary Policy.
The pickup in risk sentiment has triggered a meaningful development across the major global benchmark indices, with the Nikkei 225 breaking out the bull-flag formation carried over from 2015, while currency pairs such as AUD/JPY are highlighting a similar dynamic all ahead of 2017.
Nikkei 225 Monthly.
After bouncing off of former trendline resistance in the first-half of the year, Japan’s benchmark equity index may further retrace the decline from back in the 1990’s as a bull-flag formation starts to unfold. The continuation pattern instills a bullish outlook for the year ahead especially as the Nikkei 225 begins to carve a weekly series of higher highs & lows, and the ongoing easing-cycle at the Bank of Japan (BoJ) may continue to shore up risk appetite as the central bank ‘will continue expanding the monetary base until the year-on-year rate of increase in the observed CPI (all items less fresh food) exceeds 2 percent and stays above the target in a stable manner.’
Despite the 7 to 2 split at the last interest rate decision for 2016, the bar remains high for the BoJ to move its quantitative/qualitative-easing program (QQE) with ‘Yield Curve-Control’ as Governor Haruhiko Kuroda and Co. continue to cast a dovish outlook for monetary policy and warn ‘inflation expectations have remained in a weakening phase.’ As a result, the topside targets for the Nikkei 225 will largely be in focus for 2017 as the upswing in market sentiment looks to persist on the back of the highly accommodative policy stance at the BoJ.
The rise in risk appetite also appears to have sparked carry-trade interest, with AUD/JPY highlighting a material shift in market behavior as it breaks out of the downward trending channel carried over from late-2014. A similar reference can be found in the Relative Strength Index (RSI) as the oscillator flashes a bullish trigger ahead of 2017. The key developments favor opportunities to buy-dips in the Aussie-Yen, and the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) policy meetings for the year ahead may further boost the appeal of the higher-yielding currency should the central bank show a greater willingness to gradually move away from its easing-cycle.
After cutting the official cash rate to a fresh record-low of 1.50% in August, the central bank now under Governor Philip Lowe looks poised to retain the current stance over the coming months as officials see inflation ‘returning to more normal levels’ over the policy horizon. Despite concerns surrounding the region’s AAA-credit rating, the RBA may adopt a more hawkish tone in 2017 as ‘globally, the outlook for inflation is more balanced than it has been for some time,’ and the diverging path for monetary policy may fuel greater interest in AUD/JPY should Governor Lowe continue to talk down speculation for lower borrowing-costs.
With that said, key themes beyond monetary policy may play a greater role in driving volatility across the financial markets, and the shift in market behavior instills a bullish outlook for the Nikkei 225 and the AUD/JPY exchange rate as the reach for yield looks to persist in 2017.
James Stanley, Currency Analyst:
Long EUR/AUD – Buy Support, Sell Resistance.
Trying to forecast a year in advance, especially from a macro-economic point-of-view, can be difficult and perhaps even disastrous. If you’d have said last year that 2016 would see both the U. K. deciding to leave Europe after the Brexit referendum, and the election of Donald Trump to the top-post in the United States, you’d probably be pretty hard-pressed to find anyone that actually believed you.
Next year could be equally or, perhaps even more volatile than 2016; especially for Europe as we head towards election cycles in the key regions of France and Germany. Combine this with continued-crisis in the banking sector of Italy, and there are some very big question marks for Europe next year.
But what we do know is that the ECB is effectively tapering QE by reducing purchases after March; and the bank may not have enough ammunition to do another round. Also of interest is the fact that the Euro has had a difficult time heading lower as we approach the widely-watched parity figure on the U. S. Dollar. When the ECB first announced QE in July of 2014, EUR/USD drove all the way down to 1.0462. But after QE actually began in March of 2015, EUR/USD remained supported above this prior-low. It wasn’t until the Federal Reserve ramped-up hawkishness for 2017 that EUR/USD finally broke-below that support.
But not many currencies are as strong as the U. S. Dollar with the post-Election back-drop. Rather than looking to buy support on the Euro against the U. S. Dollar, which could foreseeably continue to strengthen for months ahead; long-Euro setups could be directed towards the Australian Dollar. Australia still has some room to cut rates, a new Central Bank head in Phillip Lowe, and the potential for more-pressure (or weakness) to emanate from China.
But what makes the long setup attractive is the risk-reward on the monthly chart. After setting a fresh-high in August of last year at 1.6586, the pair has spent much of the time since in some form of congestion. The past three months have seen support show up at the 50% Fibonacci retracement of the most recent major move, taking the August 2012 low to that August 2015-high.
Stops on the position can be set to 1.3400, which would get the level below the 61.8% retracement of that most recent major move. Top-side targets could be sought at 1.4683 (to adjust stop to break-even), 1.5000 (major psychological level), 1.5273 (long-term Fibonacci level), 1.5500 (prior price action swing), 1.6000 (major psychological level) and 1.6405 (another long-term Fibonacci level + near 8-year high).
Paul Robinson, Market Analyst:
NZDUSD, potential for a return to the long-term trend-line.
NZDUSD was not kind to big picture bears during most of 2016, but there is reason to believe this could change in 2017 as momentum from the swoon in Q4 may be the beginning of a big leg lower. The low created in August 2015 took Kiwi higher for longer than many expected. Many market participants, self-included, were looking for the downtrend which began in 2014 to resume at an earlier time.
The upward grind in Kiwi from the 2015 low morphed into a defined channel, or bear-flag in this case. After being rejected near 7500 it’s currently testing the bottom-side parallel of the pattern. An official break of the formation will be considered with a strong closing weekly bar beneath the lower trend-line.
There are several targeted points of support along the way towards the big picture target. Levels to watch include the May ’16 low at 6673, trend-line from the 2009 low (
6475/6550), Jan ’16 low at 6348, the Aug ’15 low at 6197, then the final target arrives at the 2000 – current trend-line. The trend-line clocks in around 5900 (+/- 50 points), or about 15% lower from here.
Trading this theme: This is highly dependent on the time-frame which one operates on, but the idea on this end is to wait for a confirmed break and then look to retracements on the daily chart. Once broken, the rising trend-line will go from being viewed as support to resistance. In addition, interest will be taken in any attempts to trade up to the downtrend line off the 2014 high. It seems unlikely if the bearish view is correct it will trade that high, but if Kiwi does it won’t undermine the outlook until it can successfully trade above the trend-line.
Ouro & amp; silver look headed lower, but important support levels hold the key.
Gold looks poised to continue disappointing investors. The trend since the 2011 peak remains lower and should key levels on the downside fail to hold, gold could find itself continue winding lower in rapid fashion. There is significant support in the 1050/00 region. If this zone is broken, then watch for momentum to accelerate. Before the big region is tested, though, there is a trend-line of minor significance which could be enough to provide a bounce; it rises up from the 2008 low to around the 1100 mark. Below that trend-line and through 1000 there isn’t anything substantial in the way of price support until down to around 730/680 (2006 high/2008 low). That’s an aggressive move, but again, given the lack of major price support it could become a reality. Other levels below 1000 arrive at the bottom-side trend-line running lower from the 2013 low (
975/60), along with pivots from 2009 at 905 and 865.
Trading this theme: In Q4, gold broke the key 1180/1200 region extending back to 2013. A rally into that zone (perhaps from the 2008 trend-line) will be viewed as a point of interest to look for weakness to set in and potentially position for a move into the important 1050/00 support zone, or worse. If gold drops into the 1050/00 area, caution will be warranted from the short-side given its significance. This is the line-in-the sand for gold bulls. Hold, then a sizable rally may develop, but if it breaks then things might get ugly. It just may be what the bear market needs to end, a final flush after several years of carrying lower.
Silver is obviously setting up similarly to gold, but with its own twist. Silver is currently heading back to a trend-line in place since 2003, which will be a very important inflection point. The level is currently around 14.50. A break below there will clear a path to the late-2015 low at 13.65. Similar levels to gold should it fall below the 2015 low are 12.46, 11.83, then nothing significant to the left until 8.45. The long-term trend-line looks likely to be met soon, and whether it can hold there or at the 2015 low could hold significant long-term implications.
Kiwi and precious metals are highly correlated, worth noting for positioning purposes.
The 52-week correlation between Kiwi and gold/silver is 70% and 86%, respectively. The long-term correlation between Kiwi and precious metals has been statistically significant, with the past two years sporting a range between 42% and 90%. If positioning on the same side in NZD and precious metals, traders will want to be aware of this correlation for risk management purposes. Keep in mind, this is a long-term correlation and the shorter the time-frame you look at the more noise there is in the correlation.
Walker England, Forex Trading Instructor:
Finding Potential Trading Opportunities in EURGBP.
2016 held more than a few twists and turns in the market for traders. This is why it is always important to keep an eye on emerging and ongoing technical trends. Ultimately finding the trend will help make our decisions to buy and sell easier, but it can also help us know which pairs to target for the upcoming 2017 trading year. Currently the EUR/GBP is working on retracing much of its 2016 gains after testing a multi-year 78.6% retracement value.
My preference is to find opportunities to sell the EUR/GBP under the standing 200 day moving average (MVA) which is currently found at .8305. This value is currently acting as technical price support for the pair, which suggest that traders may look for a breakout below this point. Not only would this be a strong technical hint that the trend is again turning bearish, but it would also potentially classify the 2016 move to .9270 as a lower high in a much broader bearish pattern.
EUR/GBP Daily Chart & Retracement Values.
Prepared by Walker England.
As with any trade idea, there are always two sides to each story. Traders should remember that there is always the possibility that the EUR/GBP may remain supported for the 2017 trading year. In this scenario, traders may choose to delete any existing entry orders to sell the EUR/GBP. If prices do increase, traders may look for the pair to make a move on the previous 2016 high at .9270. A move above this value would suggest that the pair is attempting to put in higher highs and may attempt a move on the multiyear 2009 high of .9804.
Martin Essex, Currency Analyst:
EUR/JPY Faces Rising European Troubles, Brighter Japanese Horizons.
The coming year looks likely to be an annus horribilis for the Euro. The Italian banking system remains in crisis and there are national elections in Germany, France, the Netherlands and perhaps Italy – all events that could spark Euro weakness.
Add in record lows for two-year German bond yields – the benchmark for the Euro-Zone – plus the potential for difficult negotiations between the EU and the UK over Brexit, and it’s hard to see much support for the single currency in the months to come.
While the obvious trade against this background would be to short the Euro against the US Dollar, the problem with that is the markets’ skepticism that the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will deliver the three US quarter-point interest-rate increases in 2017 that it predicted in December when it raised its benchmark Fed Funds rate by 25 basis points (a quarter of a percentage point) to a range of 0.50% to 0.75%, implying a year-end rate range of 1.25% to 1.50%.
Instead, the CME Group FedWatch tool, which is based on CME Group 30-Day Fed Funds futures prices, which have long been used to express the markets’ views on the likelihood of changes in US monetary policy, shows the most likely range by December 2017 at 1.00% to 1.25%.
That, in turn, suggests a lack of interest-rate support for the Dollar and potential currency weakness, particularly if nervousness grows about the economic policies of US President-Elect Donald Trump.
By contrast, the Japanese Yen has plenty going for it. For a start, it is seen by some as a haven – along with gold and US Treasuries – to shelter in when markets are risk-averse, as they are likely to be in 2017. Moreover, recent Japanese economic indicators have been healthy and core inflation may have bottomed out. In addition, EURJPY has been climbing for the past six months, suggesting room for a correction.
Chart: EURJPY 1-Week (June 2014 - December 2016)
While any tightening of Japanese monetary policy is not on the cards, it’s notable that net speculative short Yen positions have reached their highest level since December 2015, according to data compiled by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Any short covering would likely boost the Japanese currency.
On the other side of the coin, there’s plenty of political event risk ahead for the Euro. For a start, there’s the Brexit negotiations, which will likely start at the end of March and could be long and tortuous.
Then there are the elections: in the Netherlands on March 15, followed by France in April and May, and then Germany between August and October. In all three, far-Right – and largely Euro-skeptic – politicians will mount serious challenges to the incumbents. In Italy, too, there could be an election in 2017 in another country where populism is on the rise and, in addition, the banks are said to be saddled with more than €350 billion of bad loans.
That said, there is plenty of support for EURJPY around the August/September 2016 lows of 112.04/24 and then at the July 2016 lows close to 110.94. Both those areas would have to be breached before any slide back to the 100.00 levels last seen back in 2012. On the upside, any break above the 140.50 highs reached in June 2015 could lead to a sharpish rise back up to the levels around 150.00 recorded in December 2014.
David Cottle, Currency Analyst.
What if the Fed has Under-Gunned its Rate Hike Call?
Think back to the end of December, 2015. The US Federal Reserve had just raised interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade. The post-crisis Fed Funds rate of 0.0-0.25% was finally history. And, the Fed expected to make four more increases through 2016. The markets never quite believed that. Sure enough, they were right.
For four rate hikes, read just one.
Here we are at the end of 2016. The Fed has just raised rates again. It expects to be doing the same, thrice, through 2017. And guess what? Markets don’t quite believe it. Futures contracts suggest only two hikes. However…It’s worth pointing out that rate-hike cycles can last longer than anyone thinks. Nobody has seen one since 2004; experts with experience will be a lot rarer.
To take an obvious example we might go back to 1973. Then there was a generally weaker US Dollar. Wage and pricing controls boosted inflation, and it took some fighting. Between March 1972 and October 1973 rates went up from just over 3% to more than 10%. Almost every hiking cycle since 1965 has involved more substantive increases than those currently envisaged by the Fed.
“Aha,” you may now say. “But we live in a low-inflation world, we won’t need the same magnitude of interest rate rises to bring inflation expectations into line.” Bom ponto. But history suggests inflation can be harder to control than it seems. We’ve also had massive, inflationary fiscal stimulus, and rises for previously docile oil prices. We’re also less sure about monetary transmission - the way central bank decisions affect economies.
Ultra-low rates and money printing haven’t bought the growth they were once thought capable of. Might raising rates also fail as inflation brake? Then there is President-elect Trump. If his campaign rhetoric is to be believed, we can expect a deliberately inflationary fiscal policy. Coming when US employment is already relatively high, it’s not hard to see such a program pushing up wages, and then prices.
In short, the backdrop could be more inflationary than it has been for years. In that case, it makes sense to be long of the US Dollar and to remain long. It is probably best to express this via currency pairs for which rate rises on the “non-dollar” side are less likely, like the Euro or the British Pound. Gold would come in for even more severe punishment than that already meted out. US Treasury yields would also have to rise much further too.
There are clear risks to this scenario. Trump may be less expansionary once in power. European Union worries may presage crisis. China’s return to form may falter. But if all these can be avoided, we may find that we get higher US rates than the Fed now expects.
Oliver Morrison, Currency Analyst:
British Pound Set for Further Gains on Japan’s Yen.
In a nutshell: A weak Yen and resilient UK economy will likely result in a stronger GBPJPY. GBPJPY is up around 14% since the start of November, and looks set to continue making gains in 2017.
Background : The Yen is weak, which is exactly where the Bank of Japan wants it. And little looks to be changing that. On December 19, the BoJ kept monetary policy steady, leaving rates at minus 0.1%, a decision that weakened the Yen against its peers.
The BoJ did raise its assessment of the economy for the first time in a year, noting the economy is continuing its moderate pace of recovery. But the Bank still has low inflation expectations. Inflation remains near zero, almost four years after the BoJ began enormous monetary stimulus.
This suggests the Bank is unlikely to change its easing policy next year, which will keep the Yen weak. Most economists surveyed by Bloomberg don’t expect any additional easing before Governor Haruhiko Kuroda steps down in 2018.
The UK economy, meanwhile, keeps showing remarkable resilience after the shock vote to leave the European Union in June. The Pound crashed to record lows in the aftermath of the referendum. But it’s staged a modest recovery against a host of currencies in recent weeks.
GBPJPY dipped 16.6% the day after the Brexit vote, but has slowly crept back to pre-referendum levels as the risks of a ‘hard’ Brexit recede. Bearish bets against the Pound dropped for a second week on December 13, according to the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission. If the Brexit process is “orderly and smooth”, as Prime Minister Theresa May promises, the Pound will gain more strength.
What are the key levels? GBPJPY has been rising since the start of November. There is huge support around the 127.00 level from October’s trading range. Resistance is at 152.50-163.50, which is the pre-UK referendum high achieved in February to May 2016. If these levels are breached, the next key zone is the 195-191 range hit between June and August 2015.
Risks to this trade:
Inflation catches alight in Japan and heads towards the BoJ’s 2% target, leading to a shift in policy from the Bank. Brexit risks finally appear in UK data prints, forcing interest rates, and the Pound, down as the Bank of England moves to avoid recession. Any indications the UK is heading towards a ‘hard’ not ‘soft’ Brexit will weigh on the currency. GBPJPY is traditionally volatile. Net speculative short Yen positions have reached their highest level since December 2015, according to the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Any short covering would likely boost the Japanese currency, but hopefully, if you’re long GBPJPY, only in the short term.
Nick Cawley, Currency Analyst:
GBP Recovery Against EUR Likely on the Cards in 2017.
It has been a tough year for the British Pound with the June referendum vote for the UK to leave the European Union causing sterling to slump overnight in excess of 15% against the single currency. EURGBP jumped from a pre-Brexit level around 0.7600 to a spike high around 0.9200 and led to many commentators calling for the pair to trade at parity within a short-time frame. The British Pound also sold off sharply against the US Dollar as investors shunned the UK ahead of the start of the country’s formal divorce proceedings from Europe, expected by the end of March 2017.
While sterling has remained at the lower levels against the US Dollar, prompted in part by the Federal Reserve’s decision to hike rates and the likelihood of another three increases in 2017, the UK currency has pulled back some of its losses against the single currency as the weak economic backdrop in the EU continues to weigh on the currency. And the growing tide of discontent across Europe will do little to help the current situation as Europe faces four – Netherlands, Italy, France and Germany - potentially tricky general elections in 2017. Any shifts towards anti-EU parties and the future of the single currency will come under intense scrutiny.
In the fixed income market, the yield differential between the UK and Europe has also increased in the last few months, aiding GBP. The 2-year UK gilt currently yields around 0.12% compared to -0.785% for the 2-year German equivalent and this gap is likely to grow as UK inflation expectations continue to increase. The Bank of England recently highlighted that consumer price inflation is likely to hit 2.8% in 2017, from an estimated 1.3% this year, as the effects of weaker sterling filter through. This is above the BoE’s target of close to 2% and will not be tolerated for long by Governor Mark Carney. In contrast the latest ECB forecasts see inflation hitting 1.3% next year, still way below the central bank’s target of close to 2%. The ECB recently trimmed down and extended its bond buying program until the end of next year at least, hinting that the central bank is still concerned over the lack of price pressures in the economy.
When the UK triggers Brexit, by the end of next March by the latest, the endless rounds of rumours and ‘what-if’ articles over the UK/EU break-up will shift to a more factual basis. And it is here that any movement towards a ‘soft-Brexit’ - the most likely stance - will give sterling an additional upward boost as both sides realise that flexibility needs to be shown between two of the largest global economies. Neither side will benefit from a prolonged ‘hard-Brexit’ especially in Europe where growth is still anaemic, while the UK will suffer badly if the financial services industry is forced to move out of London due to a lack of access to European markets.
Will the Euro give back more of its Brexit gains?
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em 41 ideias UK & amp; Irlanda Finanças 1.077 ideias UK & amp; Jogos da Irlanda 19 ideias UK & amp; Irlanda Homepage 436 ideias UK & amp; Irlanda Notícias 0 ideias UK & amp; Ireland News Balde interno 0 ideias UK & amp; Irlanda Notícias Lego 376 ideas UK & amp; Irlanda com segurança 38 ideias UK & amp; Irlanda TV 21 ideias UK & amp; Irlanda Vídeo 187 ideias UK & amp; Irlanda Tempo 99 ideias Reino Unido Respostas 1 ideia UK Daily Fantasy 0 ideias UK Finanças Mobile Android 12 idéias UK Finanças Mobile DF iOS 2 idéias UK Finanças Mobile iOS 308 idéias UK Yahoo Movies 23 ideias US Respostas 8,950 ideias Respostas dos EUA Mobile Web 2,154 ideias US Autos GS 442 ideias US Celebrity GS 660 ideias EUA Comentários 350 ideias US Finance Mobile Android 41 idéias US Finance Mobile iOS 550 idéias US Flickr 245 ideias Grupos dos EUA 4,129 ideias Página inicial dos EUA B1 68 ideias US Homepage B2 33 ideias US Homepage B3 50 ideias US Homepage B4 33 ideias US Homepage B5 0 ideias Página inicial dos EUA M 7,021 ideias Página inicial dos EUA YDC 43 ideias US Homes GS 203 idéias US Live Web Insights 24 idéias US Mail 193 ideias US Mail 12,232 ideias EUA Mapas 3,491 ideias US Membership Desktop 7,956 ideias US Membership Mobile 91 ideias US Filmes GS 424 ideias US Music GS 195 ideias US News 6,004 idéias US Search App Android 2 ideias US Search App iOS 9 ideias US Search Chrome Extension 780 ideias US Chrome Chrome Extensão v2 2,197 ideias EUA Pesquisa Desktop 13 ideias US Search Desktop Bucket A 7 ideias US Search Desktop Bucket B 8 ideias US Pesquisar KG 14 ideias US Pesquisar Listagens locais 20.764 ideias US Pesquisar Mobile Web 3 ideias EUA Pesquisar Mozilla 1 ideia EUA Pesquisar estoque Quotes 11 ideias US Pesquisar Tablet Web 1 ideia US Shine Ideia GS 1 US Toolbar 5,549 ideias US Travel GS 207 idéias US TV GS 367 ideias US Weather 2,314 idéias US Weather Bucket 0 ideias US Weather Mobile 13 idéias US Weather Mobile Android 2 ideias Guia de vídeos Android 149 ideias Guia de vídeo iOS 205 ideias Teste de vídeo Testando 15 ideias Web Hosting 4 ideias Yahoo Acessibilidade 358 ideias Yahoo Autos 71 ideias Yahoo Beauty 100 ideias Yahoo Ideias de celebridades 0 Yahoo Celebrity Canada 0 ideias Yahoo Decor 0 ideias Yahoo Entertainment 355 ideias Yahoo Esports 50 ideias Yahoo Feedback 0 ideias Yahoo Finance Feedback Forum 1 ideia Yahoo Finanças IN Mobile Android 0 ideias Yahoo Finance SG Mobile Android 1 ideia Yahoo FinanceReel 4 ideias Yahoo Comida 118 idéias Yahoo Gemini 2 ideias Yahoo Health 90 ideias Yahoo ajuda 195 ideias Yahoo Home 213 ideias Yahoo Home * 28 ideias Yahoo Lifestyle 168 idéias Ideias do Yahoo Yahoo 0 Yahoo Mail 2,150 ideias Aplicação do Yahoo Mail para Android 399 idéias Yahoo Mail Basic 631 idéias Yahoo Mail iOS App 47 idéias Yahoo Mail Mobile Web 1 idéia Yahoo Makers 51 idéias Yahoo Messenger 83 idéias Yahoo Mobile Developer Suite 61 idéias Yahoo Mobile para telefone 15 idéias Yahoo Mobile para Tablet 0 idéias Yahoo Music 77 idéias Yahoo News Digest Android 870 idéias Yahoo Notícias Digest iPad 0 ideias Yahoo News Digest iPhone 1,531 idéias Yahoo Newsroom Aplicativo para Android 57 idéias Yahoo Newsroom iOS App 32 ideias Yahoo Parenting 63 ideias Yahoo Politics 118 idéias Yahoo Publishing 13 ideias Yahoo Real Estate 2 ideias Yahoo Tech 459 ideias Yahoo Travel 143 idéias Yahoo TV 102 ideias Yahoo Veja 208 ideias Yahoo Weather Android 2.138 idéias Yahoo Weather iOS 22.698 ideias Yahoo! 7 Food App (iOS) 0 ideias Yahoo! 7 Página inicial Archive 57 ideas Yahoo! 7 Notícias (iOS) 23 ideias Yahoo! 7 Tela 0 ideias Yahoo! 7 TV FANGO App (Android) 1 ideia Yahoo! 7 aplicação TV FANGO (iOS) 1 ideia Yahoo! 7 TV Guide App (Android) 0 ideias Yahoo! 7 Aplicativo de Guia de TV (iOS) 1.246 ideias Yahoo! 7 Aplicação TV Plus7 (iOS) 0 ideias Yahoo! 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Melhores parcerias para comércio.
A escolha dos melhores pares de divisas Forex para o comércio não é um passeio, como pode parecer à primeira vista. Os principais fatores a serem considerados ao escolher a melhor moeda para negociar incluem a volatilidade, o spread, a estratégia comercial e o nível de dificuldade de previsão do curso.
Existe uma grande variedade de pares de moedas disponíveis para negociação no mercado Forex. Na maioria das vezes, ignorando os outros instrumentos, os comerciantes abrem posições em todos os EUR / USD e GBP / USD conhecidos, que são os pares de moedas mais negociados no mundo. Além deles, há um grande número de outras moedas populares. Então, quais pares de moedas são as melhores moedas para negociar no Forex, quais ferramentas devem ser excluídas do seu portfólio?
Vamos começar com o fato de que, dependendo das características fundamentais, os pares de moedas são divididos em 3 grupos:
1. Principais pares de moedas (Majors) ou pares de moedas negociadas de topo, ou seja, pares que incluem o dólar dos EUA e a moeda de um dos países mais significativos e economicamente desenvolvidos (grupos de países): EUR / USD, USD / JPY, GBP / USD, AUD / USD, NZD / USD, USD / CHF, USD / CAD (juntos representam mais de 70% do volume de negócios total do mercado Forex). Os melhores pares de moedas são caracterizados com a maior liquidez de transações, popularidade global e uma grande quantidade de jogadores.
Se os pares tiveram um Oscar, então o EUR / USD que é a moeda mais negociada no mundo teria ganho pelo menos três indicações e teria levado para casa o prêmio para & ldquo; maior volume de negócios & rdquo ;, & ldquo; popularidade mundial & rdquo; e & ldquo; o mais baixo spread & rdquo ;. Por sinal, o prêmio de simpatizantes do espectador, sem dúvida, também teria sido acumulado para isso. Euro / dólar (EUR / USD) é o par mais líquido em Forex. Isso representa mais de um terço do volume total de transações no Forex. Isto é devido a vários factores, cujo principal é a escala e a transparência das economias da UE e dos EUA.
Negociação EUR / USD, o comerciante recebe uma série de benefícios, que incluem:
Alta liquidez do instrumento, que determina as condições favoráveis ​​de conclusão das transações. Além disso, devido à liquidez, o par euro / dólar é um dos pares de divisas mais previsíveis do Forex & ndash; A dinâmica dos preços pode ser prevista usando indicadores de análise técnica.
Previsibilidade da tendência EUR / USD. Conforme mencionado acima, a economia da UE e dos EUA está entre as mais transparentes do mundo. Disponibilidade de derivados líquidos em EUR / USD. Isso permite que os investidores troquem no EUR / USD não apenas no mercado à vista, mas também usem derivativos, como futuros, opções, CFDs.
As cotações EUR / USD são sensíveis a fatores fundamentais. Em particular, o valor do euro / dólar depende da política monetária da reserva federal dos EUA e do Banco Central Europeu, bem como da diferença nas principais taxas de juros pela FRS e pelo BCE. A situação econômica geral nos EUA e na UE, as declarações de grandes corporações, a dinâmica de matérias-primas e os mercados de commodities também afetam o comércio de par Euro / Dólar. Além disso, a análise do par de moedas mais popular EUR / USD é impossível sem levar em consideração fatores geopolíticos.
O par de dólares dos EUA e ienes japoneses (USD / JPY), a principal moeda da sessão de comércio asiática, atua como um concorrente digno do par anterior. USD / JPY (dólar / iene) é o segundo nível de ferramenta de liquidez no mercado Forex. Representa cerca de 17% das transações no mercado cambial.
Os benefícios incluem:
Termos e condições favoráveis. Conforme mencionado acima, o USD / JPY está entre os três principais instrumentos mais líquidos no Forex, o que determina os baixos spreads. Capacidade de prever a dinâmica dos preços através da análise técnica, graças à sua alta liquidez. Sensibilidade a fatores fundamentais. A dinâmica dos preços de USD / JPY pode ser prevista focalizando os importantes dados econômicos. Alta volatilidade. O par Dólar / Iene é o top três dos instrumentos mais voláteis do mercado internacional de câmbio. Uma ampla gama de flutuações no preço da ação oferece boas oportunidades para comerciantes experientes. No entanto, os novos comerciantes precisam ter cuidado e ndash; A negociação com o par de moedas USD / JPY não é recomendada para iniciantes devido à alta volatilidade. Alta liquidez de negociação pela manhã. USD / JPY é o mais líquido na sessão de comércio asiática e ndash; das 04:00 às 13:00 em Moscou.
GBP / USD (libra esterlina / dólar norte-americano) par de moeda e ndash; é o terceiro nível de liquidez do instrumento Forex. As operações representam cerca de 12% do volume total de negociação no mercado cambial. O par libra / dólar caracteriza-se pela alta volatilidade e instabilidade dos preços. Portanto, é popular e a moeda mais negociada entre comerciantes profissionais focados em estratégias agressivas de curto prazo. As par citações são sensíveis a fatores fundamentais e dados estatísticos sobre o estado da economia britânica e as ações do Banco da Inglaterra, bem como dados macroeconômicos nos EUA.
O par libra / dólar é uma ferramenta conveniente para comerciantes profissionais que preferem uma estratégia agressiva de curto prazo. O par tem alta volatilidade, o que lhe permite maximizar o lucro em breves períodos de tempo. Além disso, uma taxa mais alta do Banco da Inglaterra em comparação com a reserva federal dos EUA permite que os participantes do mercado financeiro usem a libra esterlina como uma ferramenta para médio e longo prazo; investimentos a longo prazo. É, sem dúvida, um dos melhores pares de moedas para negociar.
Os pares de moeda AUD / USD e USD / CAD são caracterizados com muito menos liquidez. Eles são exibidos como pares de moeda de commodities, pois seus preços estão estreitamente correlacionados com ouro e petróleo. A Austrália é um grande produtor de ouro e, portanto, o preço do AUD / USD, como regra, é altamente dependente dos preços do ouro. Da mesma forma, o Canadá é um dos maiores produtores de petróleo do mundo e, portanto, o preço do USD / CAD depende fortemente dos preços do petróleo.
2.Cross-currency pairs (Crosses), ou seja, pares que são formados sem o dólar dos EUA. Do ponto de vista da atividade comercial, eles estão atrasados. Este grupo inclui os seguintes pares de moedas populares: AUD / CAD, AUD / CHF, AUD / JPY, AUD / NZD, CAD / JPY, CHF / JPY, EUR / AUD, EUR / CAD, EUR / CHF, EUR / GBP, EUR / JPY, EUR / NZD, GBP / AUD, GBP / CHF, GBP / JPY, NZD / JPY. Esta lista não é exclusiva, pois há mais pares de moedas negociadas. Claro, nem todos esses populares pares de moedas cruzadas devem ser usados ​​na negociação. Para negociação de tendências clássicas, os mais preferidos e os melhores pares de moedas para negociar com o iene são EUR / JPY, GBP / JPY, AUD / JPY, NZD / JPY. No entanto, como no caso de USD / JPY, o par de moedas mais negociadas do mundo, é altamente suscetível a várias influências, portanto, é melhor excluí-las da carteira comercial de um novo comerciante, que não possui complexo análise técnica de experiência de previsão.
Pares exóticos (exóticos), ou seja, pares de moedas que representam a interseção de moedas de países menos significativos em termos econômicos com o dólar americano e entre cada um deles. Aqui podemos nomear USD / RUB, USD / MXN, EUR / DDK e muitos outros, os volumes de negociação de tais pares de moedas são pequenos. Esses pares de moedas são caracterizados por baixa liquidez, alta volatilidade, alta disseminação e riscos. A rentabilidade das transações nesses ativos é inevitavelmente suscetível ao declínio por causa dos pares exóticos de moeda serem pouco capazes de análise técnica e a previsão de sua tendência é muito difícil. Não são tantos participantes do mercado, que os comercializam, e geralmente esses são os representantes dos países em questão.
Agora, vamos resumir tudo acima e determinar o mais previsível e os melhores pares de divisas Forex para negociar para iniciantes e comerciantes experientes. Em nossa opinião, os melhores pares de moedas para negociar para iniciantes são EUR / USD, GBP / USD, NZD / USD, AUD / USD; e para comerciantes experientes e ndash; EUR / USD, GBP / USD, NZD / USD, AUD / USD, USD / JPY, EUR / JPY, GBP / JPY, AUD / JPY, USD / CHF, XAU / USD.
Os iniciantes não são recomendados para trocar muitos pares de moedas ao mesmo tempo. A especialização em um ou dois instrumentos dá resultados muito melhores e conhecimento de negociação bem sucedida nas principais e mais negociadas moedas do mundo. Você pode expandir gradualmente sua carteira de negociação com novos instrumentos de moeda. Concentre-se no par de moedas mais simples e bastante popular, e isso lhe dará lucro sujeito à observância de outras regras comerciais seguras!
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Quaisquer contratos de instrumentos financeiros oferecidos para concluir assumem riscos elevados e podem resultar na perda total dos fundos depositados. Antes de fazer transações, é preciso familiarizar-se com os riscos a que se relacionam. Todas as informações apresentadas no site, incluindo informações gráficas sobre as empresas estrangeiras, corretores e outros, destinam-se apenas a fins informativos, não é um meio de publicitá-los e não implica instruções diretas para investir. Os Prêmios Forex não serão responsáveis ​​por qualquer perda, incluindo perda ilimitada de fundos, que possam surgir direta ou indiretamente do uso dessas informações. A equipe editorial do site não assume qualquer responsabilidade pelo conteúdo dos comentários ou comentários feitos pelos usuários do site sobre as empresas estrangeiras. Toda a responsabilidade pelo conteúdo cabe aos comentadores. A reimpressão dos materiais só está disponível com a permissão da equipe editorial.

Quais são os melhores pares de moeda para negociar?
Nomeie um mercado que nunca fecha, tem o maior volume de negócios do mundo com pessoas de todos os países do mundo participando todos os dias. Sim, você adivinhou direito - o mercado cambial. O mercado surgiu da necessidade de um sistema para facilitar o intercâmbio de moedas diferentes em todo o mundo, a fim de negociar. É o primeiro mercado financeiro do mundo que reflete claramente a dinâmica financeira do comércio mundial. Todo o comércio aqui é um trade-off entre os pares de moedas de dois países diferentes.
A famosa frase dinheiro nunca dorme - inventada pelo famoso filme de Hollywood Wall Street - resume o mercado de câmbio estrangeiro perfeitamente. Independentemente do horário do dia, o mercado Forex permanecerá aberto e fechado para facilitar o intercâmbio de moeda ininterrupto.
Quando você começa a negociar Forex on-line, você pode encontrar-se sobrecarregado e confundido pelo grande número de pares de moedas disponíveis dentro do seu terminal comercial MetaTrader 4. Quais são os melhores pares de moedas para negociar? A resposta não é tão direta, pois ela varia com cada comerciante. Em vez disso, você precisa tomar o tempo para analisar diferentes pares em relação à sua própria estratégia para determinar quais são os melhores pares Forex para negociar em sua própria conta. Este artigo irá descrever brevemente quais são os pares de moedas e ajudá-lo a identificar os melhores pares de Forex para negociar. Também explicará o que é Forex majors e se eles funcionam para você.
O que são pares de moedas?
Negociação de Forex - ou negociação cambial - é tudo sobre a compra e venda de moedas em pares. Para a compra e venda de moedas, você precisa ter informações sobre o quanto as moedas do par valem em termos de outras. Esta relação é o que define um par de moedas. Um par de moedas cita duas abreviaturas de moeda seguidas pelo valor da moeda base com base no contador de moeda.
Existe um código internacional que especifica a configuração de pares de moedas. Por exemplo, uma cotação de EUR / USD 1.23 significa que um euro vale US $ 1,23. Aqui, a moeda base é o Euro (EUR), e a moeda contadora é o dólar norte-americano. Assim, cada par de moedas está listado nos mercados de moeda em todo o mundo.
Os principais parceiros são os melhores pares de moedas para negociar?
Não surpreendentemente, a moeda mais dominante e mais forte, bem como a mais amplamente comercializada, é o dólar dos EUA. A razão para isso é o tamanho da economia dos EUA, que é a maior do mundo. O dólar norte-americano é a referência preferida na maioria das operações de câmbio em todo o mundo. É a moeda de reserva dominante do mundo. Os seguintes não são necessariamente os melhores pares Forex para negociar, mas são aqueles que têm alta liquidez e ocupam a maioria das transações cambiais:
EUR / USD (Euro - Dólar) USD / JPY (Dólar - iene japonês) GBP / USD (libra esterlina - Dólar dos EUA) AUD / USD (Dólar australiano - Dólar norte-americano) USD / CHF (Dólar - Franco suiço) USD / CAD (dólar norte-americano - dólar canadense)
Os valores dessas principais moedas continuam a flutuar de acordo um com o outro, pois os volumes de comércio entre os dois países mudam a cada minuto. Esses pares são naturalmente associados a países que possuem poder financeiro, e os países com grande volume de negócios realizados em todo o mundo. Geralmente, esses pares são os mais voláteis, o que significa que as flutuações de preços durante o dia podem ser as maiores. Isso significa que eles são os melhores? Não necessariamente, como os comerciantes podem perder ou ganhar dinheiro com as flutuações. Os pares acima mencionados têm as melhores condições comerciais, pois os spreads tendem a ser mais baixos, mas isso não significa que os maiores são os melhores pares de negociação Forex.
Qual é o melhor par de moedas para trocar sempre e em 2018?
Com mais de 200 países no mundo, você pode encontrar um número considerável de pares de moedas para se envolver com a negociação. No entanto, todos esses pares de moedas não têm o potencial de entregar os melhores resultados aos comerciantes. Qual é o melhor par de moedas para trocar? O que a maioria dos comerciantes trocam? Qual o par de moedas que vale a pena negociar e por quê? Continue lendo este artigo para descobrir respostas para as perguntas acima.
Antes de analisar os melhores pares de troca de moeda, é melhor melhorar o nosso conhecimento sobre as moedas mais populares que podem ser encontradas no mundo do comércio Forex. Eles incluem:
Dólar norte-americano (USD) Euro (EUR) Dólar australiano (AUD) Franco suíço (CHF) Dólar canadense (CAD) iene japonês (JPY) Libra esterlina (GBP)
Fora dessas moedas, você pode encontrar alguns pares de moedas populares. Se você quiser alcançar o sucesso na negociação Forex, você precisa ter uma melhor compreensão sobre o par de moedas que você troca. Se você selecionar qualquer um dos pares de moedas que vamos discutir abaixo, você tornará a negociação mais simples para si mesmo, pois muitos conselhos e dados analíticos especializados estão disponíveis neles.
Análise dos Melhores Pares de Moedas para o Comércio.
Vamos dar uma olhada detalhada nos pares de moeda abaixo:
USD / EUR - Este pode ser considerado o par de moedas mais popular. Além disso, tem o menor spread entre os corretores de Forex do mundo moderno. Este par de moedas está associado à análise técnica básica. A melhor coisa sobre esse par de moedas é que não é muito volátil. Se você não está em posição de assumir qualquer risco, você pode pensar em selecionar isso como seu melhor par Forex para negociar, sem que isso cause muita dúvida em sua mente. Você também pode encontrar uma grande quantidade de informações sobre esse par de moedas, o que pode ajudar a impedir que cometa erros de novato.
USD / GBP - Os pips lucrativos e possíveis grandes saltos contribuíram muito para a popularidade desse par de moedas. No entanto, você precisa ter em mente que os maiores lucros vêm junto com um risco maior. Este é um par de moedas que pode ser agrupado na categoria volátil. No entanto, muitos comerciantes preferem selecionar isso como seu melhor par de moedas, pois podem encontrar muitas informações de análise de mercado.
USD / JPY - Este é outro par de moedas amadas que pode ser visto no mundo do comércio Forex. Ele está associado a spreads baixos, e você geralmente pode seguir uma tendência suave em comparação com outros pares de moedas. Ele também tem o potencial de oferecer oportunidades lucrativas e lucrativas para os comerciantes.
Todos os principais pares de moeda que podem ser encontrados no mundo moderno estão equipados com spreads apertados. No entanto, esse fato não é aplicável ao par de moedas USD / GBP devido à sua volatilidade. É sempre melhor ficar longe dos pares de moedas que possuem spreads elevados. A propagação recomendada pelos especialistas comerciais é 0-3 pips. Quando supera 6 pips, o par de negociação pode tornar-se muito caro, o que pode levar a maiores perdas. Ainda assim, não significa que você deve evitar totalmente tudo que tem spreads elevados.
Pares especiais.
O que é importante notar é que o melhor par é o que você conhece mais bem. Pode ser extremamente útil para você trocar a moeda de seu próprio país, se não estiver incluído nas principais empresas, é claro. Isso só é verdade se a sua moeda local também tiver uma boa volatilidade. Em geral, conhecer as questões políticas e econômicas do seu país resulta em conhecimentos adicionais sobre os quais você pode basear suas negociações. Certamente, é recomendável considerar a negociação dos pares que contêm sua moeda local. Na maioria dos casos, o seu par de moedas locais será cotado contra USD, então você precisará ficar informado sobre esta moeda também.
A dinâmica do comércio cambial é um assunto interessante para estudar, pois pode dar um impulso à economia mundial, além do aumento e queda de suas fortunas financeiras. Como a globalização se torna um grande problema para a maioria dos países ao redor do mundo, o destino desses pares está intimamente interconectado. Certifique-se de estudar o mercado cambial antes de fazer um investimento. Existem muitos pares de Forex disponíveis para negociação e é altamente recomendado tentar negociar a maioria deles antes de escolher um para ficar com. Como a negociação Forex é arriscada, tente primeiro em uma conta demo com um saldo virtual.
Identificar o melhor par de moedas para o comércio não é fácil. A melhor maneira de conseguir isso é através da experiência prática. Basta abrir uma Conta Demo e começar a operar, seguindo análises técnicas e análises fundamentais. Lembre-se, a prática torna perfeita!
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Best forex pairs to trade 2017

Os pares de moedas menos voláteis são EUR / GBP, NZD / USD e EUR / CHF.
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Forgive the stupid question, I'm new to vol and FX. Além do tamanho do mercado subordinado, quais outros fatores contribuem para por que um par de moedas seria mais volátil do que outro?
Olá, eu sou novo no comércio e se alguém pode me ajudar com conselhos sobre os melhores pares de moedas para trocar que não são extremamente voláteis, mas talvez mais lentos e mais consistentemente lucrativos ... muito obrigado antecipadamente.
Skinnsy, olhe para o regime monetário, nomeadamente se o país é fortemente dependente de commodities (óleo, etc.). Commodity vinculado moedas experiência geral maior vol. Além disso, fatores fundamentais, como a posição sobre as taxas de juros, etc. Por exemplo, um país com uma perspectiva instável terá uma moeda altamente mais volátil. exemplo principal, Brexit e o GBP. Espero que isto ajude.
Para volatilidade real, você deve olhar para euros para pesos filipinos (php). Tem uma previsão de 90 dias de 0,43% de acordo com o XE.

Top Trading Opportunities for 2017.
Indecision ruled much of 2016 – as it had the year before. Global equities and the Dollar carved out broad ranges rather than extend the trends of previous years. That complacency was shaken however in the final quarter of the year. A buildup of major event risk from Brexit to the US Presidential election to the second Fed rate hike put markets back in motion. Will revived trends hold true into the New Year or is volatility the only holdover to depend on? These are the DailyFX Team’s top trade opportunities for 2017.
John Kicklighter, Chief Strategist: GBP/JPY Combines a Depressed Pound and Risk Trends David Song, Currency Analyst: Tracking Key Market Themes Beyond Monetary Policy Jeremy Wagner, Head Trading Instructor: A Typically Quiet EUR/GBP May Provide an Outsized Move Paul Robinson, Currency Analyst: NZDUSD, Gold/Silver Setting Up for More Losses Before Hitting a Low Jamie Saettele, CMT, Senior Technical Strategist: Cyclical USDZAR Downswing May Be at Hand Tyler Yell, CMT, Forex Trading Instructor: Awaiting Aggressive Bullish Bounce In Gold From Higher-Low Ilya Spivak, Currency Strategist: Avoiding the Trump Trade Rollercoaster - Short EUR vs. GBP, JPY Walker England, Forex Trading Instructor: Finding Potential Trading Opportunities in EUR/GBP Christopher Vecchio, Currency Strategist: Short EUR/USD, Long USD/JPY Martin Essex, Market Analyst and Editor: EUR/JPY Faces Rising European Troubles, Brighter Japanese Horizons Michael Boutros, Currency Strategist: AUDJPY | Breakout at Initial Resistance - Constructive Above 80.60 David Cottle, Market Analyst: What if the Fed has Under-Gunned its Rate Hike Call? James Stanley, Currency Analyst: Long EUR/AUD – Buy Support, Sell Resistance Oliver Morrison, Market Analyst: British Pound Set for Further Gains on Japan’s Yen Nick Cawley, Market Analyst: GBP Recovery Against EUR Likely on the Cards in 2017.
John Kicklighter, Chief Currency Strategist:
GBP/JPY Combines a Depressed Pound and Risk Trends.
There are a number of glaring fundamental themes that will need to be addressed in 2017 from the market’s continuous discount of the Fed’s forecast to the rise of trade boundaries in a shift towards protectionism. However, many of these overbearing threats have neither a significant skew between potential and probability nor are they attached to a clear fundamental trigger that can offer a reasonable sense of timing for resolution. Given that trading is largely the smart management of probabilities, it is important to find opportunities that can contain the widest array of favorable outcomes and the greatest amplitude with a positive course. A long GBP/JPY view appeals to me because it speaks to two critical, heavily-skewed themes: Sterling depressed by Brexit uncertainty and an evolution of risk trends.
The Sterling component of this setup is relatively straightforward. The UK’s currency has suffered an unceremonious devaluation with the country’s vote to withdrawal from the European Union. This sustained depression reflects uncertainty and worst-case-scenario assumptions in the absence of clear procedures to navigate the divorce. It is likely that negotiations between the two sides will be tense and the United Kingdom’s economy will be worse off on a number of aspects, but it is very unlikely to be the crisis state that is currently priced in. We will start to reassess the balance of fear that suppresses the country and currency in the first quarter of 2017. Prime Minister Theresa May is due to lay out plans for negotiation in the opening months, and - should she stick to the planned time line for invoking Article 50 - to start the procedure at the end of March.
The speculative bias behind the Pound offers up a number of appealing opportunities (including EUR/GBP which sees the Euro showing little tangible appreciation of its own loss in this divorce), but GBP/JPY leverages that fundamental opportunity by adding a second fundamental theme with a particular skew: risk trends. As it stands, timing is very important to trading GBP/JPY. While the Sterling’s contribution to this situation is already grounded by speculative excess, the Yen poses a near-term risk to a bullish view. All Yen crosses are highly correlated to market-wide risk appetite. With its current bearings, speculative reach is excessive across many assets and on most fundamental measures. Below is a chart showing a risk favorite S&P 500 US equity index versus a basic ‘Risk-Reward Index’ (an aggregate G-10, 10-year government bond yield divided by an FX volatility index).
Data Source: Bloomberg. Prepared by John Kicklighter.
A risk correction is overdue, and the GBP/JPY is unlikely to escape the downdraft. That said, the flush is not going to find an excess of speculative loiterers holding a long position given the exchange rate’s extraordinary low level and the absolute lack of carry the pair offers. After the painful but necessary risk scourge however, the market will be less fixated on jumping on a bandwagon of hollow momentum and instead prize genuine potential for return on depressed assets. A deeply discounted Pound with a recovering UK GDP and Bank of England not too far off from normalizing policy will lay an appealing landscape for such appetite.
In the chart below, the candlestick series is GBP/JPY and the pale red line is GBP/EUR (EUR/GBP inverted). The technical appeal relative to other Yen and Sterling crosses is worth taking a look at, but it is the fundamental scenarios behind GBP/JPY that truly speak to its bullish potential over the medium to long-term. That is why it is at the top of my list for trade opportunities in 2017.
Charts: Tradingview. Prepared by John Kicklighter.
Jamie Saettele, CMT, Senior Technical Strategist:
Cyclical USDZAR Downswing May Be at Hand.
Since the end of the Bretton Woods era, USDZAR has more or less gone straight up. The only notable peaks on this chart are 2001 and 2008, which are 7 years apart. Work backwards in 7 year cycles and you’ll notice that 1987, 1980, and 1973 are pivot lows (1994 was nothing). 7 years after 2008 is 2015 (remember, we’re looking at yearly closes). The decline from 2001 lasted 3 years and the decline from 2008 lasted 2 years. It’s possible that 2016 is the first year of another decline.
The tops in 2001, 2008, and 2015 are ‘blow-off’ tops. The ‘blow-off’ portions of the rallies occur following breaks through the top of a channel. Once the market comes back into the channel, a reversal is considered underway towards the point from which the blow-off advance originated. This point is defined as the level where price last touched the support line. The circles on the chart denote the origin points. The target in this case is 10.9070.
Similarities to Previous Tops; Especially 2001.
USDZAR fell in 3 waves from December 2001 to June 2002 and then rallied in 3 waves from June 2002 to August 2002. Weakness then accelerated through 2004.
USDZAR fell in 3 waves from October 2008 to January 2009 and then rallied in 3 waves from January 2009 to March 2009. Weakness then accelerated through 2010.
USDZAR fell in 3 waves from January 2016 to August 2016 and has traded sideways for 4 months. It’s critical that shorts are not established until the long term trendline is broken. A break below the trendline and subsequent ‘check’ on the trendline from below as resistance would be even better for entry.
Ilya Spivak, Currency Strategist:
Avoiding the Trump Trade Rollercoaster - Short EUR vs. GBP, JPY.
Reality humbled smug prognosticators convinced that UK voters will vote to stay in the European Union, that Hillary Clinton will win the US presidential election, and that OPEC will fail to strike an output cut deal yet again. The road ahead looks no less treacherous and attempting to divine where it may lead seems no less foolish.
Much will depend on how the Fed will react to the as-yet unknown impact of policies put forward by the Trump administration. Will “big-league” fiscal stimulus really goose up growth, spur inflation and steepen the on-coming rate hike path?
The markets seem to think so, but no really one knows for sure. It is impossible to say with confidence that a boost from infrastructure spending, tax cuts and deregulation will not be offset if the President-elect gives in to his protectionist streak. Pretending this is not a possibility looks like wishful thinking.
The US economy is the single largest engine of global demand and the US Dollar is the world’s undisputed reserve currency, serving as the medium of exchange for close to 80 percent of all transactions. That means that answering this question will set direction for nearly every benchmark asset across the financial markets.
Crafting a robust strategy for the year against this backdrop will mean avoiding trades that force investors to take bets on world-changing outcomes, at least for now. Instead, it seems prudent to look for opportunities that sidestep them altogether. Selling the Euro against the British Pound and the Yen seems to fit the bill.
The Japanese unit and the single currency look similar heading into 2017. It may turn out that losses against a Trump-ed up US Dollar and an OPEC-driven crude oil rally will finally speed up price growth enough to consider scaling back ECB and BOJ stimulus. Then again, it may not.
In either case, both central banks’ actions would be driven by the same narrative and may turn out be a wash on-net. The Euro will have to contend with tremendous political uncertainty however as Germany and France head to the polls. Anti-establishment forces have gained ground in both countries.
The past year ought to have taught investors not to discount the threat of populist insurrection in heretofore bastions of the Western status quo. This means worries about election outcomes in the heart of the Eurozone may weigh on the Euro independently of how the big-picture global narrative develops.
Another concern is the start of Brexit negotiations. The Euro soared against the Pound after the Leave campaign emerged triumphant but uncertainty about implementation will almost surely cool growth on both sides of the English Channel, meaning that Sterling looks somewhat cheap relative to its Continental counterpart.
Jeremy Wagner, Head Trading Instructor: A Typically Quiet EUR/GBP May Provide an Outsized Move.
Focusing on the technical pictures, some cross pairs may surprise in 2017. We wrote about Sterling last year (“ More Than Irish Look for the Pot of Gold ”) and it followed through as anticipated. This year, EUR/GBP is one that as the year progresses it may set up for another strong leg higher.
The move from July 2015 to October 2016 appears to be a 5-wave move to start a new trend. We know from Elliott Wave Theory that 5-wave moves to start a new trend typically have a partner in an alternating wave of similar size. Therefore, as price corrects this 2015-2016 trend higher, we will look to identifying levels that may support the correction prior to another leg higher.
Keep the Fibonacci retracement levels handy on the chart from July 2015 to October 2016. The 61.8% retracement level comes in near 0.7810. Coincidentally, the former resistance line (purple dotted line) crosses near this same level. We know from support and resistance training that former resistance, when broken, can act like new support in the future. Therefore, if price corrects lower, we may see a positive reaction near 0.75 – 0,78.
At that point, we will anticipate another move higher of similar size as the July 2015 to October 2016 trend. That move was nearly 2300 pips so we will look for a bounce higher of approximately 1400 (61.8% of 2300) or possibly 2300 pips. That suggests upside targets near 0.92 and possibly 1.01.
Wait for price to finish the correction lower. If trade prints below the July 2015 low of 0.69, then another pattern is in the works.
Keeping with the Sterling theme, we will also be monitoring GBP/JPY and specifically if a correction develops. The structure of a correction lower in GBP/JPY develops will help set the tone if we can anticipate a partial correction or move to new lows. If the move develops as a 3 wave corrective move, then GBP/JPY would be in a similar boat as EUR/GBP in that another strong leg higher may carry it towards 160’s and possibly 175 later in the year.
Join Jeremy for the US Opening Bell webinars to keep up to date on these trends plus other Elliott Wave patterns he is following.
Michael Boutros, Currency Strategist: AUDJPY | Breakout at Initial Resistance - Constructive Above 80.60.
Prepared by Michael Boutros.
Last year we highlighted a broad descending median-line formation off the 2013 & 2014 highs while noting that, “The broader focus remains weighted to the downside while below this threshold (the upper parallel) with a break below the September low-week reversal close at 85.47, targeting subsequent objectives at the 81.84-82.80 range & the 50% retracement of the advance off the 2008 low at 80.16. A critical longer-term support zone rest lower at 72.05-74.20 .”
Indeed this critical support barrier marked the low this year with the subsequent rebound in price marking the largest quarterly advance since 4Q of 2012. The pair has stretched back into key near-term resistance at 87.55/64 ahead of the yearly close - this level is defined by the 2016 open, the 50% retracement of the 2014 decline and the median-line of the ascending pitchfork extending off the February low.
While the immediate long-bias is vulnerable, a broader bottoming process off previous yearly range lows may be underway here and heading into 2017 the outlook remains weighted to the topside while within this ascending formation with interim support eyed at 81.58/97 . Key confluence support & bullish invalidation rests just lower at the convergence of the 52-week moving average & the 2011 parallel around.
80.60 (also the origin of the Q4 breakout). Bottom line: we’ll be looking to fade weakness towards these levels early in the year with a breach above key resistance targeting subsequent topside objectives at 90.64-91.23 & 96.34 .
Tyler Yell, Forex Trading Instructor: Awaiting Aggressive Bullish Bounce In Gold From Higher-Low.
“Markets bottom when the last seller has sold and markets top when the last buyer has bought.”
-Tom DeMark, DeMark Analytics.
One of the seemingly great ironies of the outcome of the U. S. Election was how wrong many market participants were to anticipate price outcome of a possible Trump victory. After President-elect Trump declared victory in the early hours of November 9, 2016, the market unexpectedly rallied in a full risk-on mode that lasted well into December.
Many traders thought Trump would cause markets to go risk-off and that Gold and JPY would be the big beneficiary of a Trump victory with both appreciating aggressively. However, since the November 9 intra-day high on XAU/USD just north of $1,340/oz, the price of Gold has fallen.
17% or nearly $230s/oz by mid-December. Similarly, the Japanese Yen has weakened by 1,335 pips as of the time of this writing against, which is worth a loss of nearly 14.6% in a month’s time.
While the market moved aggressively against haven assets and currencies like Gold and JPY, a trader should be on the watch for the scene setting up for a Bullish Gold move in early 2017. The main components that lead me to be on heightened watch for a Bullish Gold reversal are the steep slope of the price decline and the sentiment extremes developing. The price of Gold has fallen into the 0.618%-0.786% retracement zone of the December ‘15-July rally that saw the price of Gold rising by.
32.2% or $330/oz from $1,046/oz to as high as $1,376/oz.
There appears to be no more hated asset class going into 2017 than Gold as per the Daily Sentiment Index. DSI shows in mid-December there are 10% bulls in Gold (90% Bears leading long-term bonds or T-bonds and T-notes in second and third place with 11% and 12% respectively.
If you look at the start of 2016, there were aggressive calls for the price of crude oil to drop $10 a barrel and the US dollar to push ever higher while equity markets were hated asset class. Fast forward to the end of 2016 and the dollar did turnaround after falling 8% from the January high to early May low. The dollar rallied over 11% from the May low of 91.92. Oil rallied over 111% from February to December and might be pulling away on a bullish head and shoulders pattern that could turn towards $60 a barrel. The S&P 500 rose by over 26% from its February low after falling 13.3% in the first month of trading 2016.
This recent bout of market history is worth remembering as Gold could take the prize for strong reversal alongside with Bonds as trading gets underway in 2017.
While there is euphoria going on with the weak JPY & EUR, the strong USD has some feeling that all is right in global markets. However, we should remain on the watch in early 2017 that Gold could benefit from a mispriced euphoria. Considering Gold appears to be the most hated asset in the future’s market adds to the appeal that a breakout in 2017 to the upside in Gold may have a lot of room to run higher. Gold’s younger digital brother Bit-Coin (BTC/USD), which is another haven asset has a bullish range for 2016 of 440 USD with a bullish range from low to high of 125%.
Other correlated assets to Gold are also in a strong bear market that would need to reverse before entering a long Gold trade in 2017.
Awaiting Bullish Cues:
Naturally, a downtrend does not automatically equal a buying opportunity. Before entertaining a long view, I would like to see momentum and a repricing of markets upon the information that can lead to a good trade. In the current environment with equities at all-time highs, Yen staying weak, and bond yields rallying, we will await the right time for gold to turn Gold course.
By the time I bullish Gold, the price will need to be above the daily Ichimoku Cloud along with the lagging line also above the cloud (lagging line = price from 26-periods ago). Also, given the stirrings going on in the market with very extreme bearish sentiment and Haven assets being sold off, euphoria in risky assets alongside uncertainty in future global trade and growth potential for equity earnings, Gold may be setting up for an early 2017 rally in a similar way it rallied in H1 2016. If so, that’s a move I want to take advantage of.
Chart Created by Tyler Yell, CMT with TradingView.
Christopher Vecchio, Currency Strategist:
Short EUR/USD, Long USD/JPY.
Leave your preconceived notions in 2016: 2017 will be unlike any year in recent memory. After a 'wave' election in which one party swept control of both halves of Congress as well as the Presidency, Republicans are in the rare position of being able to end legislative gridlock in Washington, which should translate into fiscal stimulus for the US economy.
Regardless of ideology, whichever singular party has tended to be in control after a wave election has pursued fiscal easing strategies: the US budget deficit grew by an average of 0.4% of GDP during those 18 years. It seems that a Trump administration would uphold its bargain of running up the structural deficit as typically is the case during singular party control of the government. Deficit spending in the form of a massive infrastructure spending bill, combined with sweeping tax reform, should prove to be significantly inflationary.
Higher inflation expectations should translate into further gains for US Treasury yields (and was doing so in Q4’16 via steeper Fed rate hike expectations), which will be tremendously helpful for the US Dollar in context of the current environment that the Euro and the Japanese Yen find the European Central Bank and Bank of Japan operating in: implementing aggressive easing policies to keep rates at the short-end of the yield curve as low as possible, at any cost.
The ECB’s decision in early-December to alter how its QE program is undertaken can erode the market’s desire to hold Euros over the medium-term. With the decision to buy 1-year debt, the ECB has signaled that it is basically altering policy to be able to keep the front-end of European yield curves pinned to the floor. Between the ECB's policy shift and the Fed's signaling for a faster pace of rate hikes, the German-US 2-year yield spread has widened out significantly in the past few weeks, proving to be the driving force behind EUR/USD weakness. Another 50-bps of widening in the German-US 2-year yield spread (mirroring the move in November and December 2016) could see EUR/USD down towards 0.9500 in the first half of 2017; we’ll look for a test of parity in Q1’17.
The same can be said about what's happening with the Japanese Yen. In a rising yield environment where the BOJ is pegging the JGB 10-year yield at or below 0%, the Japanese Yen stands out to be a loser. Interest rate differentials (US-Japanese 10-year yield spreads) have moved sharply against the Yen, and appear poised to do so for the foreseeable future (three - to six-months). Another 100-bps widening in the US-Japanese 10-year yield spread (mirroring the move in November and December 2016) could see USD/JPY reach its 2015 highs near 125.70 in Q1’17 before 130.00 later in the year.
The President-elect Trump reflation trade could very-well last into Q1 or Q2'17, albeit in fits and starts, before trouble emerges. We’ll want to revisit the calls for short EUR/USD and long USD/JPY by mid-year. At some point, we'll pass through the threshold where rising US yields are seen a burden for debt sustainability concerns, but that probably won’t happen until late-2017 or early-2018.
David Song, Currency Analyst:
Tracking Key Market Themes Beyond Monetary Policy.
The pickup in risk sentiment has triggered a meaningful development across the major global benchmark indices, with the Nikkei 225 breaking out the bull-flag formation carried over from 2015, while currency pairs such as AUD/JPY are highlighting a similar dynamic all ahead of 2017.
Nikkei 225 Monthly.
After bouncing off of former trendline resistance in the first-half of the year, Japan’s benchmark equity index may further retrace the decline from back in the 1990’s as a bull-flag formation starts to unfold. The continuation pattern instills a bullish outlook for the year ahead especially as the Nikkei 225 begins to carve a weekly series of higher highs & lows, and the ongoing easing-cycle at the Bank of Japan (BoJ) may continue to shore up risk appetite as the central bank ‘will continue expanding the monetary base until the year-on-year rate of increase in the observed CPI (all items less fresh food) exceeds 2 percent and stays above the target in a stable manner.’
Despite the 7 to 2 split at the last interest rate decision for 2016, the bar remains high for the BoJ to move its quantitative/qualitative-easing program (QQE) with ‘Yield Curve-Control’ as Governor Haruhiko Kuroda and Co. continue to cast a dovish outlook for monetary policy and warn ‘inflation expectations have remained in a weakening phase.’ As a result, the topside targets for the Nikkei 225 will largely be in focus for 2017 as the upswing in market sentiment looks to persist on the back of the highly accommodative policy stance at the BoJ.
The rise in risk appetite also appears to have sparked carry-trade interest, with AUD/JPY highlighting a material shift in market behavior as it breaks out of the downward trending channel carried over from late-2014. A similar reference can be found in the Relative Strength Index (RSI) as the oscillator flashes a bullish trigger ahead of 2017. The key developments favor opportunities to buy-dips in the Aussie-Yen, and the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) policy meetings for the year ahead may further boost the appeal of the higher-yielding currency should the central bank show a greater willingness to gradually move away from its easing-cycle.
After cutting the official cash rate to a fresh record-low of 1.50% in August, the central bank now under Governor Philip Lowe looks poised to retain the current stance over the coming months as officials see inflation ‘returning to more normal levels’ over the policy horizon. Despite concerns surrounding the region’s AAA-credit rating, the RBA may adopt a more hawkish tone in 2017 as ‘globally, the outlook for inflation is more balanced than it has been for some time,’ and the diverging path for monetary policy may fuel greater interest in AUD/JPY should Governor Lowe continue to talk down speculation for lower borrowing-costs.
With that said, key themes beyond monetary policy may play a greater role in driving volatility across the financial markets, and the shift in market behavior instills a bullish outlook for the Nikkei 225 and the AUD/JPY exchange rate as the reach for yield looks to persist in 2017.
James Stanley, Currency Analyst:
Long EUR/AUD – Buy Support, Sell Resistance.
Trying to forecast a year in advance, especially from a macro-economic point-of-view, can be difficult and perhaps even disastrous. If you’d have said last year that 2016 would see both the U. K. deciding to leave Europe after the Brexit referendum, and the election of Donald Trump to the top-post in the United States, you’d probably be pretty hard-pressed to find anyone that actually believed you.
Next year could be equally or, perhaps even more volatile than 2016; especially for Europe as we head towards election cycles in the key regions of France and Germany. Combine this with continued-crisis in the banking sector of Italy, and there are some very big question marks for Europe next year.
But what we do know is that the ECB is effectively tapering QE by reducing purchases after March; and the bank may not have enough ammunition to do another round. Also of interest is the fact that the Euro has had a difficult time heading lower as we approach the widely-watched parity figure on the U. S. Dollar. When the ECB first announced QE in July of 2014, EUR/USD drove all the way down to 1.0462. But after QE actually began in March of 2015, EUR/USD remained supported above this prior-low. It wasn’t until the Federal Reserve ramped-up hawkishness for 2017 that EUR/USD finally broke-below that support.
But not many currencies are as strong as the U. S. Dollar with the post-Election back-drop. Rather than looking to buy support on the Euro against the U. S. Dollar, which could foreseeably continue to strengthen for months ahead; long-Euro setups could be directed towards the Australian Dollar. Australia still has some room to cut rates, a new Central Bank head in Phillip Lowe, and the potential for more-pressure (or weakness) to emanate from China.
But what makes the long setup attractive is the risk-reward on the monthly chart. After setting a fresh-high in August of last year at 1.6586, the pair has spent much of the time since in some form of congestion. The past three months have seen support show up at the 50% Fibonacci retracement of the most recent major move, taking the August 2012 low to that August 2015-high.
Stops on the position can be set to 1.3400, which would get the level below the 61.8% retracement of that most recent major move. Top-side targets could be sought at 1.4683 (to adjust stop to break-even), 1.5000 (major psychological level), 1.5273 (long-term Fibonacci level), 1.5500 (prior price action swing), 1.6000 (major psychological level) and 1.6405 (another long-term Fibonacci level + near 8-year high).
Paul Robinson, Market Analyst:
NZDUSD, potential for a return to the long-term trend-line.
NZDUSD was not kind to big picture bears during most of 2016, but there is reason to believe this could change in 2017 as momentum from the swoon in Q4 may be the beginning of a big leg lower. The low created in August 2015 took Kiwi higher for longer than many expected. Many market participants, self-included, were looking for the downtrend which began in 2014 to resume at an earlier time.
The upward grind in Kiwi from the 2015 low morphed into a defined channel, or bear-flag in this case. After being rejected near 7500 it’s currently testing the bottom-side parallel of the pattern. An official break of the formation will be considered with a strong closing weekly bar beneath the lower trend-line.
There are several targeted points of support along the way towards the big picture target. Levels to watch include the May ’16 low at 6673, trend-line from the 2009 low (
6475/6550), Jan ’16 low at 6348, the Aug ’15 low at 6197, then the final target arrives at the 2000 – current trend-line. The trend-line clocks in around 5900 (+/- 50 points), or about 15% lower from here.
Trading this theme: This is highly dependent on the time-frame which one operates on, but the idea on this end is to wait for a confirmed break and then look to retracements on the daily chart. Once broken, the rising trend-line will go from being viewed as support to resistance. In addition, interest will be taken in any attempts to trade up to the downtrend line off the 2014 high. It seems unlikely if the bearish view is correct it will trade that high, but if Kiwi does it won’t undermine the outlook until it can successfully trade above the trend-line.
Ouro & amp; silver look headed lower, but important support levels hold the key.
Gold looks poised to continue disappointing investors. The trend since the 2011 peak remains lower and should key levels on the downside fail to hold, gold could find itself continue winding lower in rapid fashion. There is significant support in the 1050/00 region. If this zone is broken, then watch for momentum to accelerate. Before the big region is tested, though, there is a trend-line of minor significance which could be enough to provide a bounce; it rises up from the 2008 low to around the 1100 mark. Below that trend-line and through 1000 there isn’t anything substantial in the way of price support until down to around 730/680 (2006 high/2008 low). That’s an aggressive move, but again, given the lack of major price support it could become a reality. Other levels below 1000 arrive at the bottom-side trend-line running lower from the 2013 low (
975/60), along with pivots from 2009 at 905 and 865.
Trading this theme: In Q4, gold broke the key 1180/1200 region extending back to 2013. A rally into that zone (perhaps from the 2008 trend-line) will be viewed as a point of interest to look for weakness to set in and potentially position for a move into the important 1050/00 support zone, or worse. If gold drops into the 1050/00 area, caution will be warranted from the short-side given its significance. This is the line-in-the sand for gold bulls. Hold, then a sizable rally may develop, but if it breaks then things might get ugly. It just may be what the bear market needs to end, a final flush after several years of carrying lower.
Silver is obviously setting up similarly to gold, but with its own twist. Silver is currently heading back to a trend-line in place since 2003, which will be a very important inflection point. The level is currently around 14.50. A break below there will clear a path to the late-2015 low at 13.65. Similar levels to gold should it fall below the 2015 low are 12.46, 11.83, then nothing significant to the left until 8.45. The long-term trend-line looks likely to be met soon, and whether it can hold there or at the 2015 low could hold significant long-term implications.
Kiwi and precious metals are highly correlated, worth noting for positioning purposes.
The 52-week correlation between Kiwi and gold/silver is 70% and 86%, respectively. The long-term correlation between Kiwi and precious metals has been statistically significant, with the past two years sporting a range between 42% and 90%. If positioning on the same side in NZD and precious metals, traders will want to be aware of this correlation for risk management purposes. Keep in mind, this is a long-term correlation and the shorter the time-frame you look at the more noise there is in the correlation.
Walker England, Forex Trading Instructor:
Finding Potential Trading Opportunities in EURGBP.
2016 held more than a few twists and turns in the market for traders. This is why it is always important to keep an eye on emerging and ongoing technical trends. Ultimately finding the trend will help make our decisions to buy and sell easier, but it can also help us know which pairs to target for the upcoming 2017 trading year. Currently the EUR/GBP is working on retracing much of its 2016 gains after testing a multi-year 78.6% retracement value.
My preference is to find opportunities to sell the EUR/GBP under the standing 200 day moving average (MVA) which is currently found at .8305. This value is currently acting as technical price support for the pair, which suggest that traders may look for a breakout below this point. Not only would this be a strong technical hint that the trend is again turning bearish, but it would also potentially classify the 2016 move to .9270 as a lower high in a much broader bearish pattern.
EUR/GBP Daily Chart & Retracement Values.
Prepared by Walker England.
As with any trade idea, there are always two sides to each story. Traders should remember that there is always the possibility that the EUR/GBP may remain supported for the 2017 trading year. In this scenario, traders may choose to delete any existing entry orders to sell the EUR/GBP. If prices do increase, traders may look for the pair to make a move on the previous 2016 high at .9270. A move above this value would suggest that the pair is attempting to put in higher highs and may attempt a move on the multiyear 2009 high of .9804.
Martin Essex, Currency Analyst:
EUR/JPY Faces Rising European Troubles, Brighter Japanese Horizons.
The coming year looks likely to be an annus horribilis for the Euro. The Italian banking system remains in crisis and there are national elections in Germany, France, the Netherlands and perhaps Italy – all events that could spark Euro weakness.
Add in record lows for two-year German bond yields – the benchmark for the Euro-Zone – plus the potential for difficult negotiations between the EU and the UK over Brexit, and it’s hard to see much support for the single currency in the months to come.
While the obvious trade against this background would be to short the Euro against the US Dollar, the problem with that is the markets’ skepticism that the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will deliver the three US quarter-point interest-rate increases in 2017 that it predicted in December when it raised its benchmark Fed Funds rate by 25 basis points (a quarter of a percentage point) to a range of 0.50% to 0.75%, implying a year-end rate range of 1.25% to 1.50%.
Instead, the CME Group FedWatch tool, which is based on CME Group 30-Day Fed Funds futures prices, which have long been used to express the markets’ views on the likelihood of changes in US monetary policy, shows the most likely range by December 2017 at 1.00% to 1.25%.
That, in turn, suggests a lack of interest-rate support for the Dollar and potential currency weakness, particularly if nervousness grows about the economic policies of US President-Elect Donald Trump.
By contrast, the Japanese Yen has plenty going for it. For a start, it is seen by some as a haven – along with gold and US Treasuries – to shelter in when markets are risk-averse, as they are likely to be in 2017. Moreover, recent Japanese economic indicators have been healthy and core inflation may have bottomed out. In addition, EURJPY has been climbing for the past six months, suggesting room for a correction.
Chart: EURJPY 1-Week (June 2014 - December 2016)
While any tightening of Japanese monetary policy is not on the cards, it’s notable that net speculative short Yen positions have reached their highest level since December 2015, according to data compiled by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Any short covering would likely boost the Japanese currency.
On the other side of the coin, there’s plenty of political event risk ahead for the Euro. For a start, there’s the Brexit negotiations, which will likely start at the end of March and could be long and tortuous.
Then there are the elections: in the Netherlands on March 15, followed by France in April and May, and then Germany between August and October. In all three, far-Right – and largely Euro-skeptic – politicians will mount serious challenges to the incumbents. In Italy, too, there could be an election in 2017 in another country where populism is on the rise and, in addition, the banks are said to be saddled with more than €350 billion of bad loans.
That said, there is plenty of support for EURJPY around the August/September 2016 lows of 112.04/24 and then at the July 2016 lows close to 110.94. Both those areas would have to be breached before any slide back to the 100.00 levels last seen back in 2012. On the upside, any break above the 140.50 highs reached in June 2015 could lead to a sharpish rise back up to the levels around 150.00 recorded in December 2014.
David Cottle, Currency Analyst.
What if the Fed has Under-Gunned its Rate Hike Call?
Think back to the end of December, 2015. The US Federal Reserve had just raised interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade. The post-crisis Fed Funds rate of 0.0-0.25% was finally history. And, the Fed expected to make four more increases through 2016. The markets never quite believed that. Sure enough, they were right.
For four rate hikes, read just one.
Here we are at the end of 2016. The Fed has just raised rates again. It expects to be doing the same, thrice, through 2017. And guess what? Markets don’t quite believe it. Futures contracts suggest only two hikes. However…It’s worth pointing out that rate-hike cycles can last longer than anyone thinks. Nobody has seen one since 2004; experts with experience will be a lot rarer.
To take an obvious example we might go back to 1973. Then there was a generally weaker US Dollar. Wage and pricing controls boosted inflation, and it took some fighting. Between March 1972 and October 1973 rates went up from just over 3% to more than 10%. Almost every hiking cycle since 1965 has involved more substantive increases than those currently envisaged by the Fed.
“Aha,” you may now say. “But we live in a low-inflation world, we won’t need the same magnitude of interest rate rises to bring inflation expectations into line.” Bom ponto. But history suggests inflation can be harder to control than it seems. We’ve also had massive, inflationary fiscal stimulus, and rises for previously docile oil prices. We’re also less sure about monetary transmission - the way central bank decisions affect economies.
Ultra-low rates and money printing haven’t bought the growth they were once thought capable of. Might raising rates also fail as inflation brake? Then there is President-elect Trump. If his campaign rhetoric is to be believed, we can expect a deliberately inflationary fiscal policy. Coming when US employment is already relatively high, it’s not hard to see such a program pushing up wages, and then prices.
In short, the backdrop could be more inflationary than it has been for years. In that case, it makes sense to be long of the US Dollar and to remain long. It is probably best to express this via currency pairs for which rate rises on the “non-dollar” side are less likely, like the Euro or the British Pound. Gold would come in for even more severe punishment than that already meted out. US Treasury yields would also have to rise much further too.
There are clear risks to this scenario. Trump may be less expansionary once in power. European Union worries may presage crisis. China’s return to form may falter. But if all these can be avoided, we may find that we get higher US rates than the Fed now expects.
Oliver Morrison, Currency Analyst:
British Pound Set for Further Gains on Japan’s Yen.
In a nutshell: A weak Yen and resilient UK economy will likely result in a stronger GBPJPY. GBPJPY is up around 14% since the start of November, and looks set to continue making gains in 2017.
Background : The Yen is weak, which is exactly where the Bank of Japan wants it. And little looks to be changing that. On December 19, the BoJ kept monetary policy steady, leaving rates at minus 0.1%, a decision that weakened the Yen against its peers.
The BoJ did raise its assessment of the economy for the first time in a year, noting the economy is continuing its moderate pace of recovery. But the Bank still has low inflation expectations. Inflation remains near zero, almost four years after the BoJ began enormous monetary stimulus.
This suggests the Bank is unlikely to change its easing policy next year, which will keep the Yen weak. Most economists surveyed by Bloomberg don’t expect any additional easing before Governor Haruhiko Kuroda steps down in 2018.
The UK economy, meanwhile, keeps showing remarkable resilience after the shock vote to leave the European Union in June. The Pound crashed to record lows in the aftermath of the referendum. But it’s staged a modest recovery against a host of currencies in recent weeks.
GBPJPY dipped 16.6% the day after the Brexit vote, but has slowly crept back to pre-referendum levels as the risks of a ‘hard’ Brexit recede. Bearish bets against the Pound dropped for a second week on December 13, according to the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission. If the Brexit process is “orderly and smooth”, as Prime Minister Theresa May promises, the Pound will gain more strength.
What are the key levels? GBPJPY has been rising since the start of November. There is huge support around the 127.00 level from October’s trading range. Resistance is at 152.50-163.50, which is the pre-UK referendum high achieved in February to May 2016. If these levels are breached, the next key zone is the 195-191 range hit between June and August 2015.
Risks to this trade:
Inflation catches alight in Japan and heads towards the BoJ’s 2% target, leading to a shift in policy from the Bank. Brexit risks finally appear in UK data prints, forcing interest rates, and the Pound, down as the Bank of England moves to avoid recession. Any indications the UK is heading towards a ‘hard’ not ‘soft’ Brexit will weigh on the currency. GBPJPY is traditionally volatile. Net speculative short Yen positions have reached their highest level since December 2015, according to the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Any short covering would likely boost the Japanese currency, but hopefully, if you’re long GBPJPY, only in the short term.
Nick Cawley, Currency Analyst:
GBP Recovery Against EUR Likely on the Cards in 2017.
It has been a tough year for the British Pound with the June referendum vote for the UK to leave the European Union causing sterling to slump overnight in excess of 15% against the single currency. EURGBP jumped from a pre-Brexit level around 0.7600 to a spike high around 0.9200 and led to many commentators calling for the pair to trade at parity within a short-time frame. The British Pound also sold off sharply against the US Dollar as investors shunned the UK ahead of the start of the country’s formal divorce proceedings from Europe, expected by the end of March 2017.
While sterling has remained at the lower levels against the US Dollar, prompted in part by the Federal Reserve’s decision to hike rates and the likelihood of another three increases in 2017, the UK currency has pulled back some of its losses against the single currency as the weak economic backdrop in the EU continues to weigh on the currency. And the growing tide of discontent across Europe will do little to help the current situation as Europe faces four – Netherlands, Italy, France and Germany - potentially tricky general elections in 2017. Any shifts towards anti-EU parties and the future of the single currency will come under intense scrutiny.
In the fixed income market, the yield differential between the UK and Europe has also increased in the last few months, aiding GBP. The 2-year UK gilt currently yields around 0.12% compared to -0.785% for the 2-year German equivalent and this gap is likely to grow as UK inflation expectations continue to increase. The Bank of England recently highlighted that consumer price inflation is likely to hit 2.8% in 2017, from an estimated 1.3% this year, as the effects of weaker sterling filter through. This is above the BoE’s target of close to 2% and will not be tolerated for long by Governor Mark Carney. In contrast the latest ECB forecasts see inflation hitting 1.3% next year, still way below the central bank’s target of close to 2%. The ECB recently trimmed down and extended its bond buying program until the end of next year at least, hinting that the central bank is still concerned over the lack of price pressures in the economy.
When the UK triggers Brexit, by the end of next March by the latest, the endless rounds of rumours and ‘what-if’ articles over the UK/EU break-up will shift to a more factual basis. And it is here that any movement towards a ‘soft-Brexit’ - the most likely stance - will give sterling an additional upward boost as both sides realise that flexibility needs to be shown between two of the largest global economies. Neither side will benefit from a prolonged ‘hard-Brexit’ especially in Europe where growth is still anaemic, while the UK will suffer badly if the financial services industry is forced to move out of London due to a lack of access to European markets.
Will the Euro give back more of its Brexit gains?
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By Taylor Martin / 12 January 2017.
&cópia de; CBS Interactive Inc. / Todos os direitos reservados.

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Resultados CNET.
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Por Andrew Krok / 16 de março de 2017.
ZTE escapa à lista negra de comércio dos EUA.
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Alerta de ofertas: discos Blu-ray de 4K agora até $ 15 no Best Buy.
Se você tiver um novo 4K HDR TV e um 4K Blu-ray player como o Xbox One S ou Samsung UBD-K8500, ouça. O preço em muitos discos agora é menor do que nunca em US $ 15. Sobre a Best Buy, a lista é.
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Aqui está a melhor maneira de usar Dropbox em um Chromebook.
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Lick seu telefone para compartilhar seus melhores movimentos de sexo oral.
CamSoda Sempre quis que você pudesse aproveitar a sabedoria da multidão para obter feedback sobre seus movimentos de sexo oral? Bem, se você mudar de idéia, agora há um aplicativo para isso. O site da webcam Naughty CamSoda é.
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Melhores tablets com sensores de impressão digital.
A senha mais fácil, e uma das mais seguras, está literalmente na ponta do dedo - ou seja, se o dispositivo tiver um leitor de impressão digital. Muitos novos telefones têm sensores integrados que digitalizam.
Por Xiomara Blanco / 05 de abril de 2017.
As melhores maneiras de vender ou trocar seu Wii U ou 3DS.
Esta noite, todos os rumores sobre o próximo console da Nintendo, o Switch, serão colocados em repouso. Finalmente, obteremos um preço, data de lançamento e outros detalhes. This also means it's prime time to.
By Taylor Martin / 12 January 2017.
&cópia de; CBS Interactive Inc. / Todos os direitos reservados.

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